Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

After two of the longest hours of my life, I was out of the support group. I felt no different than I had before I walked in, which I had expected.

As I began to walk back home, I began to regret my decision to leave the car at home. Originally I thought it'd help to clear my head while walking afterward, but now I only wanted to get food and sleep. It was going to be quite a long walk back.

Suddenly, I heard someone shout from behind me. "Hey! Harry, right?"

I turned around to see one of the girls from the support group pulling beside me in her car.

"Do, um, would you want a ride home?" She asked awkwardly.

I gave her an odd look. She didn't even know me and she was asking me to get in her car. I could be a serial killer for all she knew.

"I know, I know." She rolled her eyes. "It's not the best idea to ask some stranger if they need a ride home." She paused. It was like she was reading my thoughts. "But, if you're coming to sit in a dirty library for two hours for a support group, I wouldn't really assume that you're a horrible person."

"Well, no. I don't want a ride." I said and kept walking. However, she continued to ride along beside me.

"Are you sure?" She persisted.

"Fine." I agreed and walked around to the passenger side.

Bethany's POV

Upon seeing Harry walk down the street after the group meeting, I decided to ask him for a ride home.

I knew it sounded like a stupid idea, but he had just showed up to a support group for two hours and wanted to walk home in the dark in a sketchy area. It just didn't seem right to me.

He accepted the offer and got in, and for a while it was awkward. After about ten minutes of silence, aside from his quiet guidance on the directions, I decided to start a conversation.

"What'd you think about the meeting?" I said awkwardly.

"It was bullshit." He said with a small laugh. His eyes remained focused on the window as he spoke.

"Agreed." I laughed back. "But if you think so, why'd you go in the first place?"

"I could ask the same." He retorted.

"Well, I go because I kind of have to, until I make certain sorts of progress." I decided to keep my answer vague, hoping he wouldn't press on it.

"And you haven't yet?"

"Sort of. I think that I have, but I still want to go to a few more meetings."

"Why?" This boy was full of questions, surprisingly.

I shrugged. I had gotten so used to attending the meetings that I wanted to at least go once more so that I could get a chance to say a goodbye to Dan.

"Left or right?" I asked upon reaching a stop sign.


"So," I said, resuming the conversation. "Why did you go?"

He sighed. "I don't know. I had to."

I stopped pressing on the issue, figuring he wouldn't want to pour all the details out to me. After another ten minutes or so, we arrived at his apartment.

"Um, thanks." He said awkwardly as he opened the car door.

I nodded and put the car in drive. Suddenly, he knocked on the window and I rolled it down.

"Will I see you next week?" He asked. I smiled and nodded once more.

Then, he turned around and walked up to his porch without another word.

I sat in the car for another moment before I started to drive back home, reflecting back on the night.

Similar Differences (Harry Styles Fanfiction) (CURRENTLY EDITING)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang