Chapter 31

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Bethany's POV

Harry and I sat on the couch for a while and then my mother told me we would be leaving soon. I walked Harry to the door and he kissed my forehead gently before walking off of the porch and into his car. The gesture was completely out of character for him, but I appreciated it. After he left, my mother and I were off to the hospital. My father wanted to go, but my mother convinced him to stay home because he had drank more than he should've and she didn't want him getting too rowdy in a public area, plus, as usual he had work early the next morning.

Liam's mother had called a few minutes earlier telling my mom that they wouldn't be able to see Liam until the morning, but she still insisted on going. She wanted to see Liam as soon as possible, and she wanted to comfort his parents.

As we drove, my hands shook nervously.

'My fault. My fault. My fault.'

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to rid the negative thoughts from my head.

"Are you okay, B?" my mom asked softly. I nodded my head.

"Just nervous."

We arrived at the hospital within what seemed like hours but was only really a half hour. Quickly, we entered the waiting room and sat by Liam's parents. His mother had no makeup on, which was a site I'd never seen since I knew her. However, they were still dressed in such fancy attire for an overnight hospital visit, but I had expected that. Mr. Payne stared off blankly as he held his wife's hand.

I looked around the room, drowning out the faint echo of my mother's conversation with them. The room was sterile and completely white, making me feel as if all I did was stain it's purity just by sitting there.

A few words of their conversation broke the bubble surrounding my brain and made their way in.

Strong impact.

Broken rib.

Punctured lung.

May need surgery.

Lucky that someone called an ambulance.

I focused on the white square tiles above me, trying to keep the room from spinning.

I hated hospitals with a passion. Sitting there reminded me of the scar on my arm that was hiding beneath the sleeve of the light jacket I had thrown on. It began to itch as if it wanted to prove itself to me.

"I'm still here!" It shouted. "Look at me!"

I shut out the thoughts as my mother's voice dragged me back into reality.


"Sorry, what?"

"We're going to stay the night so that when we're allowed to see Liam, we can go right in. I'll take you home to sleep if you want."

I shook my head. "I'll stay."

The night consisted of awkwardly trying to get comfortable in the plastic chair and scrolling through my phone mindlessly for hours.

Patients dwindled down throughout the night. It was already 3 o'clock in the morning and the only people there were a man who was swaying back and forth in his seat, and a larger woman who was asleep and drooling all over herself.


As I stared at the bland, tile ceiling in an attempt to fall asleep, I worked through how I would apologize to Liam.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I was so worried.

No. Too pitiful.

I'm so sorry. You're so important, you're such a great brother to me.

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