Chapter 41

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Harry's POV

I woke up and began to get ready for my 4th day of work at Sal's. After I finished up there, I had my first session back at support group. I kind of would've rathered to throw myself into a volcano, but what can you do?

Around 7:50, I left and when I arrived at the shop Sal was in the back doing some paperwork, so I began to get everything ready for the day; fixing up some displays, opening up the register, and flipping over the "We're OPEN" sign on the door.

Business was usually slower in the morning but picked up in the early afternoon, so while Sal and I waited for customers, I read. That was the ultimate perk of the job; being able to read for a large portion of the time.

Bethany's POV

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked Niall as we drove aimlessly around town. We made plans today to hang out, but we'd already gone shopping this week and to a movie and this town was pretty uneventful.

He shrugged in reply. "I've never been in these little shops, let's go in one." He said. We were driving on the opposite end of town on a street full of little family owned stores. I'd never been most of them either despite how long I'd lived in this area, so I agreed.

He parked outside of a random store and we went in. The old sign outside read "SAL'S BOOKS." It was very old fashioned looking and had a nostalgic feel to it. As we entered, I looked up at the front desk and saw Harry flipping through a book. I actually had to double check to be sure it was him, but the scowl and glowing, green eyes proved it. I almost laughed to myself because it was funny how he always showed up wherever I went anymore.

"Harry?" I said, catching his attention . He looked up with the usual scowl but then blushed, which was something I'd never seen him do. It was adorable to be quite honest.

"You work here?" Niall asked. Niall didn't even know where he worked? I thought they were good friends.

I was always confused when it came to him.

"Yeah, I just started on Monday." Harry answered.

Oh. That made more sense.

"Nice." Niall said. The two of them began to chat a bit, and I excused myself to look around.

The shelves were full with books of every genre. I noticed that many of them seemed like older classic works; Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc. I thought back to Harry's bookshelf which contained a lot of these books. Now, I could see why he worked here. He was a classic closeted bookworm. I smiled to myself, picturing Harry lying on his bed, flipping through a tattered old book that he'd already read multiple times and finishing it again within a day.

As more and more of his traits unfolded, I grew a larger attachment to him. I knew it wouldn't be reimbursed, but like I'd said too many times already, I didn't care anymore.

As I ran my hand along the spine of an large book- "A Collection of Robert Frost's Greatest Poetry", Harry snuck up behind me and ran a finger down my spine. I jumped, caught off guard and turned around. His glowing jade eyes met mine and he smirked down at me.

"Um, where's Niall?" I asked as I turned away from his gaze, growing self conscious.

"He's right outside. I guess Zayn called him. Don't worry, he didn't leave you here with me." he said in an undertone, inching closer.

I laughed softly, not knowing how else to respond. My eyes lowered to the ground uncomfortably.

"Looking at some poetry, are we?" he said, pointing to the book I was just eyeing. I nodded with a smile. "Robert Frost is alright. A lot of nature references."

He was so smart. I didn't mean this negatively toward him, but it kind of shocked me. "What else is good?" I asked.

"Depends on what you like."

"I'll give anything a shot." I told him.

"You don't have to buy these, I've got a shelf full. You can borrow some." he said flatly, looking at his feet. He got so awkward when he said nice things. It was probably because it was so out of character for him.

"Thank you." I smiled, and he nodded. The two of us stood silently behind the bookshelf for a moment, looking at each other. I knew what was coming as he leaned down and finally pressed his lips against mine. I reveled in the feeling of him being so close to me and slowly laced my arms around his neck. He placed one of his large hands on the small of my back and I shivered. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me closer to him. Then, I heard the store bell ding at the same moment a man shouted, "Harry!"

Harry pulled away from me without a word and walked up to the front. I heard him talking with a man who must've been the owner. Awkwardly, I pretended to browse through the aisle as Niall came over to me.

"Hey, you ready to go? Zayn wants to meet up."

"Oh, yeah, sure." I said as if nothing happened. My heart was still racing and I longed to be next to Harry again.

As Niall and I made our way to the exit, I waved goodbye to Harry and he nodded at us both before turning around swiftly.


Hi! How's everyone? :]

Exciting things will be happening within the next few chapters ;] Hope you're ready!

Soo... Zayn buzzed his hair. Thoughts? I'm not a fan 😬

Well, I hope this chapter is long enough considering I forgot to update for almost 2 weeks. If anyone of you is writings a fic and want me to check it out, leave it in the comments and I definitely will! And I give honest opinions :p Anyway, hope you liked this chapter!

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thanks for reading!

**Stay Lovely**

- n o e l l e 💕

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