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Warning: This story contains sensitive content such as abuse of alcohol, depression, suicide, eating disorders, physical conflict, self-destructive habits, and sexually suggestive situations. None of the content mentioned is being promoted in this story in any way. My goal is not to romanticize these ideas at all. If you or someone you know is going through any of the things mentioned above, please seek help.

This link will take you to a list for hotlines regarding depression, suicide, rape, abuse, and crisis:

Also, DISCLAIMER: This story is not in any way trying to imply that the real Harry Styles is a bad, violent, rude, person. It is just the character in the story. The character has his name and physical features, but other than that, no basis for the character comes from the real life Harry Styles.

Thank you for reading. Enjoy the story!!

Harry's POV

My eyes wandered around the small, obnoxiously decorated waiting room as I thought about the events that had led up to this. I couldn't stand the plans that everyone had set out for me, assuming that I'd just go through with them without the bat of an eye. All they wanted was to give me medication so that they could wipe their hands clean from this whole mess.

By "this whole mess," I pretty much mean, well... me.

I wish I could get myself to believe that they genuinely care enough to help me through whatever they think it is that I need help with, but really they only want to shove it on someone else and hope that they can figure it out. But it doesn't matter much to anyone at all. That's how life works, really. You grow up thinking, "If I have a problem, someone will be there to help. Someone will always care, and someone can rescue me." But the hard truth is that no one really does. Your problems are yours, and the gigantic universe could not give a single shit about you.

As I've been told too many times by too many idiots, "they say that time heals all wounds", but considering how long things have been sitting so painfully heavy in my screwed up head, I'm starting to believe that "they" don't know what the hell they're talking about.

"This is fucking ridiculous." I said furiously.

"It's this or you can be locked up. We cut you a break, so be a little grateful." Robin retorted as he drove away, leaving me right outside of the office.

I watched his car head down the street and wondered if he'd actually remember to pick me up or if once again, it would "slip from his mind."

After sitting in the small leather chair in the waiting room for a while, thinking about Robin's attitude, I decided, why should I stay here to please him?

I stood up self-righteously, and abruptly left the office, heading down in a random direction only searching for yet another temporary distraction.

~Revised on 12/25/15~

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