Chapter 12

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Bethany's POV

That week, Harry didn't show up to support group. I called him once, but he never answered, so I chose to rid him from my thoughts. It wasn't a big deal anyway. We only talked a few times.

I spent my days looking forward to my new beginning at the end of this summer. I would go to University, get away from this small town, and make something of myself.

"Hey honey!" my mother shouted. "Dinner's ready!"

"Okay!" I answered before going turning off my laptop and going downstairs. As I ate, I decided that tomorrow night I would go shopping to get out of the house. I sat home that entire week so I could finish my schoolwork, and I only had one more test until I was completely done with my senior year.

"So, how was your day?" my father asked. As routine as it was, the day ended up actually being okay.

"Good. And yours?"

They continued to make small talk and eventually, we all finished and I helped my mother clean up.

"I haven't heard anything about that boy. Was he at the meeting?" my mother asked as I cleaned the table.

"We're not really friends anymore. He was just really rude." I said as if I could care less. But really, it did hurt a bit. I'd never connected with someone so much, despite the fact that we've only had a few conversations. I pushed away any care I had toward the matter because that was my only option, and finished cleaning. Afterward, I went back upstairs and fell asleep early because I had nothing to do.


Softly, I made my way down the stair case to listen to my parents.

"She won't even eat! She never calls her friends anymore. I don't know what I did wrong!" my mother sobbed.

She didn't do anything wrong. She couldn't blame it on herself.

"Kate, it's not your fault. I don't know what to do."

"I can't take it. Should we hospitalize her? She's been looking so sick..."

Hospitalize me?

No. They wouldn't.

Suddenly, I flashed forward to being picked up by a paramedic and taken into an ambulace. "Where...I..." My words wouldn't come out and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I shot out of bed, realizing it was only a dream and glanced at the clock.

4:45 am.

I rarely had nightmares, so when I did, they freaked me out a lot. They were so vivid. I think it had only happened because I was overthinking too much as I fell asleep.

I shut my eyes and tried to relax.

It's okay. You're fine. I repeated to myself.

After trying everything I could to fall asleep for the next hour, I decided to just stay awake. Around 5:45 I took a shower to clear my head. I curled my hair, making soft waves and applied some eye shadow, mascara, and eye liner. My mood is always lifted a bit if I make myself look better.

I pulled on a red tank top with a light sweater and a pair of jeans before going downstairs. I wasn't very hungry, so I sat down on the couch for a while.

The morning passed by as it usually did. My father went to work, my mother read the newspaper in the kitchen, and I started my last assignment.

Around 2:00, I finished my work, happy to have completed it, and as I decided yesterday, I went to the mall.

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