Chapter 21

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Bethany's POV

A few days later, I entered the familiar library doors for my last ever day of support group. I was the first one there, so I talked to Dan a bit. "Hi, Dan." I greeted him.

"Well hello, Beth. We didn't see you last week! How are you doing?" he smiled genuinely as I sat down in one of the metal folding chairs.

"I'm doing good, actually. Today's going to be my last time coming here."

"Really? Well, we will definitely miss you. But it's great that you're moving on."

I knew Dan had always viewed me as the quiet girl in the group with the most negative attitude. But today, I could tell that he saw a change in me as well. I was definitely more sociable than I used to be, not by much, but a little.

I actually had felt like I was better. I still had insecurities and by no means was I suddenly a ray of sunshine, happy, always positive, girl. But I definitely was in a better frame of mind then I was a few months ago.

Soon, more and more people filed in and support group started with Dan's speech on optimism and all of that good stuff. After he finished the usual opening, he went on about paying attention to your own needs. Each week, there was a new "focus topic."

"You can't spend time trying to help others when you are carrying your own problems as well. The load just becomes too heavy." Dan spoke.

Suddenly, the library doors opened with their usual squeak and in walked the mysterious green eyed boy, sporting his signature scowl. It was hard to miss Harry when he entered a room. His tall frame hovered over mostly everyone, and his thin white tee shirt exposed his inked and muscular chest. His silky brown hair was pushed back at the top with curls falling down on the sides.

I hadn't talked to him since our long phone call last week. He made no efforts to contact me, and I didn't want to seem annoying or obsessive. Awkwardly, he took a seat in the chair across from me and cleared his throat. Dan gave him an odd look before continuing on with what he was saying. I think he was as shocked as I was that Harry had joined a meeting once again.

Harry looked down as Dan spoke. I followed his eyes down to his large hands. His fingers were long and his knuckles were bruised. I wondered what had happened, but I was taken out of my trance when I noticed him smirking up at me because he had caught me staring. I quickly turned away as I felt my cheeks get warm.

A few kids stood up and told some personal experiences relating to the topic. Then, some others gave them their input and advice. I stayed quiet and listened, as I did at every session. After that, Dan looked at me and asked me to stand up. Hesitantly, I did. I hated being in the center of attention.

"Some of you who have been coming for a while may recognize Beth. She's very quiet and often very sarcastic, but in the limited sense I know her with, I know she has a great heart. I'm very proud that she is moving past her struggles, and today will be her last day coming to our meetings. Let's give Beth a hand!"

The kids around me clapped and I gave them all a smile and a shy, awkward "Thank you," before I sat back down. I noticed Harry was looking at the ground again, paying no mind to me at all.

After that, the session was dismissed and most of the kids had quickly left the library, except a few were talking over in the corner. Before walking out, I stopped in front of Dan. "I just wanted to say thank you. I've learned a lot in this group." I told him.

Honestly, a lot of the things he told us seemed like they were cheesy quotes he had taken from an inspirational website or something, but at least they were meaningful. I knew the lessons would probably mean more to me later in life than they did now. I really didn't enjoy coming to this group ever, but I guess it was slightly helpful.

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