Chapter 2

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Distractedly, I flipped through the channels on my TV when suddenly, my door burst open.

"Harry, what the hell do you think you're doing?" Robin, the ugly stepfather entered without an invitation as per usual. My mother took her position behind him timidly.

"Browsing. Yourself?" I asked, my tone abundant with the perfect amount of arrogance.

"You skipped your appointment? Do you not realize what you're risking when you don't follow your program?"

At that point, I almost laughed.

By the "program," Robin was referring to the things I had to do to avoid going to jail. I had gotten in trouble for a few things over the past few years; public intoxication, some fights, you name it.

So, to avoid ending up in jail, we fell back on my fucked up mental state to justify my actions. I agreed to go through a rehabilitation program and stay in a facility for a while, and then complete the follow up program. Obviously, the shrink appointments were part of the follow up.

I admit, leaving the appointment was stupid. But really, it wasn't going to help.

"I'm aware." I answered, standing up. "What gives you the right to enter my house without my permission and criticize me?" I yelled back at him.

His face turned red which always happened when he was angry. It was a sight I knew pretty well.

"You are the biggest disappointment."

Wow. What a comeback. "I'm not doing shit to protect your pitiful ass anymore. If you end up in jail, I'll be fucking happy." He seethed.

"Robin!" My mother said quietly.

I thought about punching him in the throat, but decided that it wasn't worth it, and dismissed myself into my bedroom. I threw myself down on to my bed and listened to him bitch about me.

"I'm leaving, are you coming or not?" He said finally after complaining for quite a while, and then the door shut. I had figured my mother left with him because I hadn't heard any movement, but apparently I was wrong.

After a few moments, there was a knock at my door, and my mother's soft voice sounded from the other side. "Harry?"

Sighing, I got up and opened the door. I wouldn't have done it if it weren't her. Although she put me through a lot of shit, I respected my mother.

After letting her in, I moved over to my desk chair and sat down, and she sat at the end of my bed.

"I'd like you to try this." She said as she pulled a brochure out from her purse.

Young Adults Mental Health Support Group.

I scoffed. She couldn't be serious.

"Well, it's not just me. The facility has this listed in the program. And although it's not mandatory, it'll look better to be attending this when you have to explain your absence from the appointment. And who knows, maybe it could actually help."

Maybe she hadn't realized how old I was, or maybe she thought I was stupid. I wasn't sure. I had hoped she'd start laughing and admit it was just a joke, but her expectant eyes revealed otherwise.

"I'll think about it." I told her, turning my face away.

She looked at me, probably already figuring I wouldn't go, and I did nothing to make her believe otherwise.

However, much to my own surprise, I actually began to toss the idea around in my head after she had left.

Did I really believe it'd do me any good?

No, of course not.

But it could be entertaining to someone as sick in the head as I was, so why not give it a shot?

_edited on 1/16/15

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