Chapter 7

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Bethany's POV

Luckily, I was able to finish my school work easily and quickly by about 2:00. That left me with a lot of time until I was going out.

"B, I'm gonna go to the grocery store. Are you staying home?" my mother asked as she entered the room.

"Well, Harry asked me to go to the park around 3:30. If I leave before you get home there will be a note on the table." I already knew everything I had to say to satisfy her.

"Okay, have fun!" she chirped.

After a few minutes, she was off to the store, and I was left alone until it was time to head to the park. Then, coming from upstairs I heard a beeping noise which I realized was my phone. I ran upstairs and answered the phone call.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully.

"Hey, it's Harry."

It was as if he was receiving my thoughts about being eager to see him. He sounded like he was out of breath and distracted or something.

"You alright?" I asked.

He ignored my question and answered with his own. "Can you come to the park now?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten minutes." I said and hung up.

I put on a light jacket, wrote my mom a note, and raced out the door. I hoped Harry would be alright, I could tell something was wrong. I walked through the streets at a quick pace, and when I arrived at the park, I saw Harry at "our bench," staring straight ahead.

"Harry!" I called as I approached the bench.

He looked at me as I sat down, but didn't say anything.

"What happened?"

"Everything is fine." He stared straight ahead as he talked and then ran a hand through his hair.


After sitting there for a minute or so, he didn't reply, so I decided maybe distracting him would be better than discussion.

"Let's walk." I said. I grabbed his hand stood up. I wanted to see things with him. I'd seen the walking trail so many times. I used to walk it every day. But he saw through different eyes, and I wanted to see through them, too.

We got up, and began to walk the trail. It started near the playground, and lead off into the woods. As we walked by the playground, I remembered being a child. When I was younger, I had so many visions for myself, and so many goals. But they've faded and here I am today.

"This is a nice park." Harry commented awkwardly. I nodded in reply. He didn't know what to say, and neither did I. But I had no problem with just walking with him in silence.

We made our way to the woods where there was a low river. Harry sat down on the large rock on the bank and motioned for my to sit next to him. There wasn't another rock so I sat on the ground.

"Come up here." he said, patting the spot next to him. My stomach fluttered. He moved over and I sat there with him. Then, he put his arm around my waist so I wouldn't fall off the not-so-spacious rock.

He looked up, staring at the birds flying above us. There was a large group of them, following each other. Then, he laughed softly.

"What?" I asked, questioning if I'd done anything embarrassing.

"They just follow each other."

He was so confusing. "Why's that so funny?"

He brought his eyes back down to mine before softly saying, "They can go anywhere, but they follow each other."

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