Chapter 33

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Harry's POV

The entire drive home I could do nothing but think of how I was going to handle my feelings toward Bethany. What even were those feelings? How was I supposed to act about them? What did she expect from me, and was it reasonable to provide it?

When I pulled into my driveway, I checked my phone and saw that I had a voicemail. Somewhat hoping that it was her already, I listened to it.

"It's Robin." I cringed at the vile sound of his voice. "Listen, your mother wants us to go out for lunch together to talk things through. So, please clean up your ridiculous act, and call me."

What a piece of shit.

Not talking to him for as long as I had helped me avoid some of the negativity I carried around, but suddenly it all rushed back to me. I wasn't the one acting ridiculous.
Ridiculous is the way he acts as if nothing ever happened. He never even gave me an apology, but he walks around like everything is fine.

I was pissed. I was tired of this.

To avoid the idea of calling him and cursing him out, I spontaneously decided to walk around the city for a while. Obviously at seven in the morning, there are no bars open, but I wanted a drink so I headed to Andrew's house. He was literally always ready for a party.

I knew if I took my car, I'd end up driving up to my mother's house drunkenly, and I didn't want to deal with that after, so I decided that walking was the better option. It wasn't too far anyway.

After having such a decent time with Bethany, I was really annoyed that Robin had to ruin my mood. I envisioned myself throwing him into a wall the entire walk to Andrew's.

After knocking at the door of the small house, I was greeted by Sabrina, the girl I had met there a few weeks ago. I was surprised she was still with him. Andrew a was never a ladies' man, but he always had different girls there because he picked up the most desperate chicks. So, for him to stay with one this pretty for this long was quite the record.

"Oh, you're Andy's friend, right?" she said with a smile. She was wearing nothing but a baggy navy blue tee shirt that reached down to mid-thigh. Her blonde hair was pulled back into some sort of nest-like thing.

"Yeah." I said and walked in.

"Babe! Come downstairs! Your friend is here!" she shouted and went up the stairs. I sat down on the old, familiar sofa that reeked of liquor and pot. On the coffee table, there were the usual empty red cups and bags of potato chips.

"Hey, Harry!" Andrew waltzed in and sat down. "Want a drink? Or a smoke? Both?" he laughed.

Sabrina sighed from the stair case. "It's too early for that!"

Andrew rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Scotch, vodka, beer?"

"Scotch, please."

He walked into the kitchen and quickly returned with a bottle and two glasses and poured me a shot. Eagerly I swallowed it down, welcoming the burn.

"How ya been?"

Sabrina entered the room and sat on the opposite end up the sofa. She turned on the television and sipped her coffee as we spoke. She was different from every other girl Andrew usually had over.

"No different than the usual. And you?"

"Things have been good. Job's going well, and I've got this beauty," he smiled at Sabrina who blushed and blew him a kiss.

Ew. I cringed and poured myself another shot.

"You got a girl yet?"

"No." I said too quickly. Although she came to mind, Bethany wasn't mine, and I didn't even know if I wanted her to be. I guess I didn't want her to be mine, but I also didn't want her to be anyone else's. I've gone over it millions of times in my head, and I couldn't deny that something about her was special, but I also couldn't say that I wanted to date her or anything.

Similar Differences (Harry Styles Fanfiction) (CURRENTLY EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora