"This better be good." A smooth voice said, it was familiar. Before you could think anymore a man stopped in front of your cell. He looked down at you with a sickening smile.

"Loki." You sneered as he unlocked the doors.

"Y/N, well seems we have a lot to discuss." He said as he stepped closer.

"N-No! Get away!" You screamed as you backed against the wall. You wouldn't admit it but you were terrified, you were so used to Tony not letting you out of his sight. He kept stepping closer and closer, Loki could dissemble you with a snap of his fingers. Two guards rushed in to grab you but Loki stopped them to your surprise.

"We wouldn't want to hurt them." He said to the guards.

You could see the guards wanted to say something to they knew not to disobey and left without another word.

Loki reached a hand to help you up, you weren't trusting him that easy.

"Come, I promise to not hurt you." He said his smile looking sweet, you didn't expect a voice so kind to come out of someone like Loki.

"I don't trust you... and I can't even if I wanted to. One of your guards dissembled one of my legs." You said pointing to your nonexistent leg.

"Well, I guess I will help you then." He said as he kneeled down and carefully picked you up.

"What the fuck do you want, Loki?" You spat in his face trying to sound confident.

"Wow, you have a mouth I'm guessing Stark programmed that into your system." He mattered while chuckling softly.

"Yeah, that's not all he programmed me to do dick weed." You said staring him right in his eyes.

"So, what was Tony Stark's little robot doing all alone anyway?" He asked as you finally reached a large dark green room with a bed, he sat you down on the edge of it as he pulled up a chair and sat in front of you.

"I'm not his fucking slave and he had to go away for the weekend, cock needle." You said trying to position yourself awkwardly on the bed.

"Does it hurt?" Loki asked gesturing to your cut-off limb.

"Nothing hurts for me." You said looking away, wiping the tears from your face.

"Right, Stark designed you to be perfect." He said standing up and sitting next to you.

"So, why are you lying?" He asked as his face got closer to yours.

"I'm not lying." You replied,   before you knew it Loki grabbed your left injured thigh and squeezed it.

"Argh! Stop! Please! Stop..." You said as he slowly let go of your thigh. Tears streamed down your face at the unbearable pain. Loki gentle wiped away your tears.

"So, why are you lying to Stark Y/N?" He asked gently as he held your face in his hands. You let more tears stream down your face.

"He can't find out. If he finds out he will shut me down and try to make me better. I d-don't want to be better, I just want to be me." You admitted quietly as your shoulders slumped down.

"I won't tell anyone, Y/N. So, do you have any other human feelings?" He asked as he stood up and faced you again.

"Why do you need to know? You're just going to destroy me or use me as your own." You said hugging yourself.

"I do not see you as an object Y/N. Everyone else may see you as just a robot or an AI but I see that there's more to you." He said before he kneeled to look at your leg. He waved his hand over it and suddenly everything was back in place.

"I do have other feelings." You admitted as you stood up and walked around the room, you were too deep in your own thoughts to even thank Loki for fixing your leg with his magic.

"Like what?" Loki asked you as he stood particularly close to you. You tried to hide your blush by looking away but Loki just gently moved your face to meet his.

"You can tell me, Y/N." He whispered as he held your face in his hand, you didn't want to pull away.

"I feel pain and loss, I feel guilt and betrayal and well l-love. I don't know if that's exactly what it is but I have noticed that I have the capability of loving. But to everyone else I'm just an object, just a slave, just an 'it'...." You said as your eyes averted to the ground.

"You aren't just a slave. You are who you want to be no matter what anyone says." Loki said as he smiled a little.

"I don't understand why I am here. Why did you kidnap me?" You said stepping away.

"Well, I had no say in it, one of my guards decided it would be good to kidnap you to torture out information." He explained keeping his distance.

"You aren't are you?" You asked as you hugged yourself still scared.

"Of course not, darling. But unfortunately, I won't be able to send you back to your master Stark." He said as he stepped closer to you.

"Why not? He needs me. I-I need him." You asked as you tried to stand your ground.

"Guess Stark keeps you pretty close...and because if I sent you back Stark would have my head on a platter, and I don't think you want to go back either." He eventually walked up to you and softly grabbed your arm. He ran his fingers along your broken and cracked artificial skin.

"Everyone sees Stark as an amazing man. But behind all of that...he's a drunk. And I am guessing all of these scars on you didn't come from falling over. Did Stark do this to you, Y/N?" He asked with his smooth voice as he drew you closer. You felt tears slowly stream down your face. Loki put his hand on your cheek and kept it there to wipe away your tears.

"He prevented me from ever saying anything...from ever leaving that tower. H-He kept me as a s-slave!" You screamed finally being able to let it out. You sobbed as Loki wrapped his arms around you. You buried your face into his warm chest as you let out your cries.

"Please d-don't let me go back t-there." You said quietly to Loki who was running his hands through your h/c hair. Thid wasn't how you'd expected the weekend to go, that was for sure.

"I won't let him near you." He said in a protective manner.

"Please don't hurt me." You begged as you clung to him.

"I will never hurt you, Y/N. I promise I will keep you safe." Loki said as he tightened his grip on you. You looked up to see him looking down at you. Right then you felt a different feeling. He slowly leaned down and connected your lips. He was gentle and soft as he still held you tightly. You both broke away from the kiss, you were stunned you had no clue what to say. He kissed your forehead lightly.

"No one will touch you again."

Marvel Oneshots - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now