Battle Task 4: Entries

Start from the beginning

" I bet so." Lara agreed. "We never have received so much requests to join our guild, let alone from people outside of our world."


Sha'Kil stood facing ahead as the crowd around him at cheered. He had spectated Rhengar and Syliane attempt the obstacles, but now it was his turn to try his luck on course. He glanced to his left to see his opponent, the tattooed Elf from Miria. Sha'Kil took a breath as the two locked eyes. There was no going back now since he had volunteered in order to get some of the glory. He would show them what a real Shutaki warrior is made of.


Hearing the voice signal the start of the obstacle, Sha'Kil made a mad dash up the ramp and leapt with the tremendous ability that came with his reptilian legs onto the handle bars. Once he started his climb, a thumping sound behind indicated that his opponent was not too far behind. The waning sunlight lit the metal on the platform he had just landed on a sickly purplish orange color.

I am on a roll now, aren't I?

However, his merriment was brief as he felt the searing heat of two fireballs shoot past him.

Yikers! That was only centimeters from my ears!

The Shutaki warrior whirled around to see the Elf woman raise her hands in attack mode once again.

She wants to play dirty? Two can play at that game.

The Warrior Sage drew his staff, carved a rune on the middle of it, and whirled it in the air to create a draft. Those kept his opponent's flames at bay as he leapt between platforms. Seeing his chance to strike, he used his staff like a boomerang. Unfortunately, the Fire Mage had anticipated it and leapt over the staff.

"You are going to have to do better than that, Warrior Sage!" The Elf smirked at him.

"If I were you, I'd gloat less and be wary of your surroundings!" Sha'Kil shot back as he leapt onto a set of monkey bars.

Confused, the Elf whirled around only to be struck by the spinning staff which had returned to the Shutaki's outstretched hand. His opponent nearly fell to the river of water down below had she not stretched out her hand and latched on to the ledge.

"That was devious!" She snarled at him.

"That is the power of the Khattar tribe!" He bellowed in pride. "What you have received was only a taste."


"Rhengar, please mind your manners for the sake of our guild." Jardonkha whispered to him as they sat at their tables at the ball.

"Relax!" Rhengar stretched at his table. He was dressed in a brand new golden armor while Sha'Kil was dressed in a forest green tribal tunic his clan always wears during formal events. Mordzar, Jardonkha, and Syliane wore typical formal clothing often worn by the guests of nobles. "I won't be wolfing down any roast deer anytime soon."

"You are very funny." Syliane rolled her eyes.

"Indeed I am." The wolf chuckled. "Am I right, guys?" His red eyes raked across Mordzar and Sha'Kil as he looked for affirmation. The two men only rolled their eyes in response at the poor jest.

He never shuts up, does he?

Mordzar really did not want to be present at this event. It reminded him of the frivolous parties the noble houses back on Castre used to throw almost every week. As a child, he took immense joy in those events, but as of now, he felt that they were just lavish and didn't serve any purpose other than to alleviate their boredom. For the sake of his guild's reputation, he had decided to keep a lid on his true feelings.

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