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Ever since last night I had been thinking a lot. I didn't want to be mad at Jack, but what choice did he give me? I trusted him so much and in the end that didn't seem to matter.

Sam texted me this morning about hanging out and said I should just go over there since he was dog sitting for his neighbor. Of course I agreed and told him I'd be over in an hour.

I changed into a pair of black running shorts along with a tie dye t-shirt only because I had no one to impress. I brushed through my long hair letting it fall over my shoulders reaching below my rib cage. Once I was satisfied with how I looked I went downstairs and kissed my mom goodbye since she mostly works nights now doing all her detective stuff.

Since Sam's house was only a couple minutes away I decided to walk getting some fresh air. I followed the yellow marker lines in the street to the stop sign a couple hundred feet ahead. I kicked the gravel looking around at all the newly updated houses only to find a sign that read 'The Wilkinson's'.

I walked up the driveway listening to a dog bark through the window.

"You're here." Sam smiled holding open the screen door for me.

"Hi!" I kneeled down petting the excited golden retriever.

"It's Gus." Sam said.

"That's a cute name." I smiled up at him walking further in the house.

"He's pretty cool." Sam pet the top of his head.

"How long do you have him for?" I asked following him up to his room.

"Until the neighbors and my parents get back from the cruise." He nodded sitting on his bed.

"Nice, house all to yourself?" I smirked at him.

"Hell yeah baby!" He laughed ripping his shirt off.

"Your so immature." I laughed into a pillow.

"Don't act like you don't like it." He winked sarcastically.

"Let's watch a movie." I completely changed the subject.

"Lion King?" He asked turning towards his xbox.

"Sure." I smiled wrapping myself in a blanket that smelled just like Sam.

After he started the movie he ordered us pizza shutting off the lights lying down next to me in nothing but basketball shorts.

"This movies so sad." He shook looking down at the hardwood floors.

"Is Sam Wilkinson a softie?" I gasped trying to get a rise from him.

"Please." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm just kidding, your so manly." I joked squeezing his flexed arm.

Sam laughed when he saw my facial expression change once my hand touched his arm.

"I'm irresistible." He whispered in my ear giving me goosebumps.

"Yeah right." I laughed in his face.

"Oh yeah?" He asked propping himself up.

"Yeah." I stared straight into his eyes.

"What about now?" He asked running his hand up my leg.

"Doesn't phase me." I shrugged.

"I see." A mischievous smirk spread across his face.

"Now?" His fingers trailed to my inner thigh.

"Sam-" My breathing hitched.

"I told you," He whispered leaving soft kisses down my neck.

"Sam we can't." I closed my eyes biting my lip.

"And why is that?" He stopped for a second looking up at me.

"Because-" I paused trying to catch my train of thought.

"Exactly." He said continuing to kiss my neck.

"Fuck." I rolled my head back the second he found my sweet spot.

He sucked softly causing me to reach for the back of his head tugging on the little hair he had. Soon he found his way on top of me hovering over me roughly kissing my lips.

"Wait." I pushed him off rolling on top straddling his waist.

"What?" He asked a little eager.

"Just sex. No strings attached?"I asked catching my breath.

"Oh course." He smiled holding the small of my hips.

"None of that overly attached clingy shit?"

"Never." He rubbed small circles on my sensitive skin.

"Cool." I leaned down kissing his lips more needy than ever.

As the time passed I found myself thinking of Jack while Sam was pleasuring me. Thoughts of him flooded my mind remembering being in his embrace.

"Holy shit." Sam gasped wide eyed collapsing on top of me.

"That was fun." I jumped up pulling on my shorts.

"Yeah," Sam laid there looking up at the ceiling.

"You gonna get up?" I laughed as Lion King played in the background.

"In a minute." He laid there motionless.

"Shit the door." I panicked looking around for my bra.

"Twenty bucks on the dresser." Sam pointed waving his finger.

"Got it." I grabbed the money rushing down the steps.

"I'm sorry about that-" I extended out my arm fixing my shirt.

"Jack?" My mouth dropped.

"Cali, what are you doing here?" He stepped back.


"Did you get it?" Sam asked walking up behind me pulling a shirt over his head.

"Um no- it's just jack." I cringed.

"Oh hey man! What's up?" Sam stepped forward standing in the doorway.

"It's nothing. I'll call you later." He started to walk away.

"You sure?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah." He looked right at me making me feel guilty.

"Alright bye." Sam started to close the door.

"Are you an idiot?" I whisper yelled once the door was shut.

"What?" He asked.

"You have sex hair!" I shouted.

"And you don't?" He defended.

"Do you think he knew?" I nervously bit my finger nails.

"I don't know." Sam scratched his head.

That's the last thing I need, jack thinking I'm some kind of slut.

The doorbell went off again and this time it was the pizza. Sam and I ate the pizza in silence on his living room floor listening to the movie still playing upstairs.

"Never in my life have I thought that I would have sex watching the Lion King." Sam laughed biting into his second slice.

"Can you let it go?" I laughed my cheeks blushing.

"I don't know Hastings." He smiled looking down at his pizza.

Sam's POV

Hands down that was the best sex I've ever had, I don't know what it is about her but man I could get used to that.

She got so embarrassed when I brought it up that she wouldn't look me in the eyes.

I don't know what it is about this girl but I think I might like her..


Vote and Comment if Jack Gilinsky ruined your life.

Until next time, love you guys 💖

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