ch19 | the spring of 2022

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Omaha, Nebraska
March 4th, 2022

The form fitting cashmere colored slip dress tightly hugs my wide hips as I look into the tall mirror of my teenage bedroom.

Everything seemingly feels smaller having shared both an apartment and queen sized bed with someone for over three years now.

The pearl drop earrings slip in with ease as a familiar body enters the room.

"California!" She happily exclaims prior to tangling herself in my lanky arms.

"How's the little monster doing?" I smile into Bryn's polished blonde hair.

"He's good, really good. Who knew five year olds could be so restraining." She laughs unraveling herself from my grasp.

"Well I'm just glad it all worked out with the art gallery and all."

"Yeah the owners were really nice and helped us move all of Karma's pieces in. We're actually moving into a house this summer, so that Jamie gets more space for his toys and everything rather than having to tip toe around Karma's art supplies in the apartment." Bryn smiles from ear to ear, her excitement radiating off of the walls.

"That's awesome, Bryndle!" I hug her once more, taking in the scent of her intoxicating perfume.

"Your mom looks amazing by the way, what a beautiful bride."

"I haven't seen her yet, hopefully her pre-wedding ritual isn't to have a mental breakdown right before the ceremony." We both laugh in unison.

"I hope not, I don't need Jamie being hyper before the wedding even starts-"

"Ladies, you both look beautiful. But Karma is downstairs looking for you, Bryn."

"Right, I'll see you in fifteen. It's nice to see you again, Marcus." Bryn kisses him on the cheek.

"Same to you, Jamie's getting big!" He shouts back as she exits the room.

"I know it's insane," Bryn laughs before closing the door behind her.

"Tell me again why they didn't ask me to be the surrogate," He stifles a chuckle and pecks my lips.

"Maybe because you're my boyfriend and that might have been a little weird for you to be the father of her child." I jokingly tease him as I fix his skinny black tie.

"You're so mean to me," He grins before kissing my nose playfully.

"I just fixed my makeup, Marcus." I whine nudging him in the chest.

"Don't worry, you still look more than perfect." He engulfs me in his toned arms.

"Okay okay, get out there before people start assuming things." I flush under his suggestive gaze.

"Yes ma'am." He obliges.

"Go get em' tiger," I chuckle still trying to get my hair under control.

Eventually I give up, allowing my naturally curly hair to do as it pleases.

"The bride is ready to walk down the aisle!" An impatient knock is at my door.

"Coming!" I respond slipping on my black heels.

Downstairs I am greeted by my soon to be brother in law, Christopher as he waits for me to take his arm so that we can walk down the aisle.

"You look great, California." He smiles, and even the third time I am told this today it still doesn't breach the surface.

Giving In // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now