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Jacks POV

The first day of school hit me like a bus, summer was over and I'm finally a senior.

It took a lot of courage for me to get out of bed this morning facing the fact that I was going to see California there no matter what.

After a couple of reassuring minutes of me just standing in the mirror I grabbed my jansport and left the house through the garage.

I was running a little late on time so I tried my best to make it there before the last bell.



"Sit down Gilinsky." He didn't even bother directing his attention from the board to me.

"Okay then." I clenched my jaw making my way to the one open seat in the back of the classroom.

"Okay class, I want you to take out a piece of paper and write down three things that make you happy in life." Mr. Waterman looked across the room.

The noises of zippers and papers being crumpled sounded as everybody dug in their bag for the right material.

"Shit." I murmured to myself not finding a pencil in my bag.

"Hey do you have a pencil I can borrow-"

"Jesus Bryn." My jaw dropped.

"I'm fine." She pulled the hoodie further over her head.

"No your not, what happened?" I whispered still in shock.

"Marina called me out on sleeping with you and I might have attacked her." Bryn slid down in her seat.

"You have a black eye."

"Hey- you should talk to California." Bryn tried her best to not make things awkward between us.

"I don't know-" I choked.

"She needs you jack."

"Excuse me miss Scott, would you like to share that with the class?"

Mr. Waterman placed both his hands down on his desk.

"No sir." Bryn cleared her throat.

"It was my fault." I blurted out not wanting to get her in trouble.

"Great- Detention, now." He pointed his ruler at the door.


"It's okay." I stood up making my way out.

"Look who it is, my most devoted student." Mrs. Catina looked up from her desk pointing at a desk in the front row.

Looking to my left I saw California holding an ice pack up to her jaw line slouching in her seat. She looked beat up too.


"Yeah I can file an incident report, I'll stop by on my lunch break."


"Okay I'll be right there." Mrs. Catina hung up the phone looking up at both me and California in the front two desks.

"Don't move, I'll be back in five." She left the room adjusting her blazer.

"What happened to you guys?" I whispered over my shoulder at California.

"It speaks." Her chapped lips parted.

"Look- I just want to know if your okay."

"I'm always okay." She looked straight ahead at the board.

Giving In // j.gOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora