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Cali's POV

Waking up next to Jack might be the best thing in the world and I'm sure as hell going to cherish it.

Watching his chest rise and fall as his fingers twitched next to his face with his mouth slightly agape.

Nuzzling into my pillow I watched Jacks eyes flutter open as light shone in from the curtains.

"Good morning princess." I joked poking his nose.

"Good morning beautiful." His voice husky.

Blushing, I hid my face in the white comforter only to have jack pull it away smiling at me.

"What time is it?" Jack asked propping himself on his elbows.

"Not sure," I said looking for my phone.

"Nine," I continued.

"How about I make you breakfast?" Jack asked running his fingers through his hair.

"Only if I can help." I wrapped my arms around his torso.

Soon after jack wrapped his arm around my neck scratching up and down my arm giving me goosebumps. Laying my head on Jacks chest he planted a kiss on my forehead continuing to make me melt.

"California?" He lowly spoke.


"What are we?" He eventually asked.

"Friends." I said hoping that was the right answer.

"Yeah, just friends." He said rather hoarse.

Did I say something wrong?

"What about that breakfast your were talking about?" I said trying to avoid the topic while I pulled up my sweatpants.

"Yeah of course." He nodded getting out of bed.

Walking downstairs I couldn't help but stare at Jack, shirtless jack is my favorite.

Once we got in the kitchen we were greeted by a bunch of sleepy teens sitting at the bar and some sitting up on the counter.

"Hey lovebirds." Emily teased biting on a piece of toast.

I slightly smiled and looked at Jack who was looking at the floor.

"Were just friends." Jack later said looking up at her.

"Mhmm." She winked.

I walked over to the fridge getting out the orange juice pouring it in a glass.

"Did you want some?" I asked jack.

"I'm good." He said cracking eggs on a pan.

"Okay then," I huffed under my breath.

"Do you want me to make toast?" I sipped on my juice walking up behind him.

"Don't worry about it, just go hangout." He shooed me off.

Walking away I regretted everything I said this morning, he didn't want to be friends and I should've known that.

Slouching down in a seat on the couch I picked at my nails just thinking about everything.

"What's wrong Cals?" Sam said sitting next to me.

"It's nothing." I brushed off.

"Okay, but you know if you need to talk to anyone I'm here right?"

"Yeah, of course." I smiled up at him.

"Cali you ready?" Jack asked holding out two plates in his hands.

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