Ch17 | emotional drunk

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My eyes were glued to the screen, California's presence almost overwhelming. I never thought I'd see her again, especially not on television.

God she looked beautiful, even with her eyelashes clumped together from tears. I wanted to hug her, to hold her tightly within fingertips grasp and tell her how much I love her, because I do and it actually scares me for I have never felt this way about someone in my entire life. Those beautiful dark blue eyes are etched into my mind.

"Thanks for being here California," The interview untimely starts after clips of California crying on what looks to be Sam's shoulder pan over the screen. I cringe.

"Thanks for having me," She quietly responds not daring to look at the cameras lens.

"When was the last time you talked to Jack or maybe even saw him before he disappeared?" Melanie reads eagerly off of the stack of cards in her hand.

"Well," She hesitated.

"Jack was actually visiting me in New York the day before he you know, went missing. That night after his flight back to Texas we Skyped for about two hours or so and he seemed okay, he was tired and fell asleep on the other end leaving me all alone. That next morning I couldn't even get ahold of him, not one single text or phone call." She is clearly struggling with her words.

"I see, and for those of you out there don't know what Skype is, it's just a form of video chatting." Melanie clears her throat, placing that card at the back of the deck.

"How long have you and Jack been together?" She looks up at California, suggesting her to look at the camera.

"A year," She smiles weakly finally making eye contact with the monitor, wet tears cascading down my cheeks.

"And I know that obviously doesn't seem that long but this past year I have been through so much, from the passing of my father to being in the hospital for almost a month, he has always been right there by my side and I will forever be grateful for that." She is now shamelessly sobbing, the camera man handing her a box of tissues.

"Thank you," She sniffles.

"Do you love Jack?" Melanie asks.

"With all of my heart," California chuckles wiping her eyes.

"And is there anything you maybe want to say to him?"

"Well, Jack. If you happen to be watching this or maybe see this sometime in the future, I just want you to know that I will never stop looking for you. Sam and I are doing our best to bring you home and I hope you're okay, wherever you may be. I love you so much baby," Her hands begin to shake in her lap as she waves at the camera.

"Please come home, I miss you so much." She rests her trembling hand over her heart.

"If any of you happen to seen this young man in the future or have in the past couple of days, please call this number and help us bring him home. I'm Melanie Ferman and this has been today's sit down interview with California Hastings." The camera zooms out at the both of them before showing my horrifying senior picture.

Once California's face has left the screen for good I am torn, entirely desperate for just another glance.

"No, no, no." I rock back and forth in the small metal chair.


"Thanks for being on the show, please keep in touch if you happen to hear anything." Melanie hugs me at the entrance of the apartment building.

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