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Cali's POV
It's almost Christmas break and this is the happiest I've seen my mom since freshman year. Her and my father are basically inseparable, almost like two teenagers who argue about who's gonna hang up first. It's sad that my forty year old parents have more of a love life than me, but I'll take it. They're both just so happy and it amazes me that the both of them feel the same way about each other after twenty long years.

It's currently 1am and I'm watching them dance to Frank Sinatra in the foyer downstairs. From the steps I can't hear the soft whispers my dad says through her hair but I can just imagine what kinds of things he's saying to make her lips slightly part into a smile as her eyes stay closed.

My dads asked about Jack, but I've always managed to somehow find a way of avoid it. He goes on about how much he likes him and the only thing I can mumble is 'me too'.

Funny thing is, Jack hates my guts.

The next morning

"Cali get up honey, dad made breakfast." My mom peeked her head in my room.

It took everything in me to roll over and hide in the blankets.

"Suit yourself, I'll eat all the pancakes." I could tell she was smiling.

"Pancakes?" I looked over my shoulder.

"Pancakes." She smiled folding her arms over her chest.

It wasn't long before I beat her down the stairs and into the kitchen smelling the sweet smell of my dads famous blueberry syrup.

"You hungry?" My dad laughed watching me search the room for the syrup.

"You could say that." I lifted up the cutting board.

"Dining room table." He smiled placing the batter in the sink.

"Yes!" I cheered hearing my stomach growl.

My mom was already seated at the table pouring each of us a glass of orange juice when my dad walked over with the plate of pancakes.

"Dig in." He set the plate down.

"So-" My mother said after a while.

"Yeah?" I looked up from my plate for the first time.

"What's Jack doing today?" She asked picking at her plate.

"He's with his mom." I said the first thought that popped into my head.

"Oh really, maybe they would like to accompany us for dinner tonight." She set her fork down wiping her mouth.

I choked on my juice before setting the cup back down on the table.

"Jesus California-" My mom jumped up hovering over me.

"I'm fine." I sunk down in my chair.

"Calibear, why don't you give me and your mother some time to talk." My dad cleared his throat.

"Yeah- definitely." I stood up leaving the room before running up the steps.
What am I going to do? Throwing off my soaked tee shirt, I grabbed my favorite jacket, Aaron's, pulling it over the top of my head.

Maybe she'll forget about it, I tried to convince myself.

I waited an hour before going back down stairs to see my dad in the living room watching college football on the big screen.

"Hey, come watch the game with me."
He gestured me to sit next to him.

"Where's mom?" I asked pulling up my favorite chunky blanket.

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