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Jacks POV

"Alright, I'll see you guys later." I looked back at everyone, holding the piece of paper Cali had given me close to my chest.

"Why are you leaving so early? Sam hasn't even showed up yet," Johnson frowned, the bottle of vodka he was holding seeming bigger than his small frame.

"I have a killer migraine," I cringed at my terrible lie.

"Just text me tomorrow, man." He scoffed walking away.

"For sure," I nodded.

The whole drive home I saw her face, consuming every part of my thoughts. I needed to know her, past and all. I could sense a little hesitation in her voice and the way she looked up at me desperately. It was obvious she had never been looked at for anything more than a daughter, and I saw it clearly. I needed to see her again.

My room was dark and quiet, me sitting alone in the still silence. Is it too soon to text her? I debated the option for a couple minutes before I found the courage to message her.

J: Hey, it's jack. I was just wondering if you made it home okay.

Before I could second guess my decision, the message was sent, nerves taking its place. Shit.

C: Actually no, I'm lost.. And my Mom's not answering her phone, haha.

J: Where are you? I can meet you there.

C: Constance Avenue.

J: Be right there.

I hurried down the stairs to the garage with my keys in my hand. Backing out of the driveway I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel impatiently.

"Stanley, Alvin, Constance." I read the street names. Turning right onto Constance I pulled over next to Cali's car and put the jeep in park.

She snapped her head at me and smiled warmly getting out of her car.

"Hey stranger," I smiled at her.

"Hi," She flushed tucking strands of her fallen hair away from her face.

"What's your address, you can just follow me to your house."

"16315 Walton Drive." She said having to think a little bit.

"Okay." I smile fixing my seat belt.

Cali got back in her car and followed me down the deserted road, minutes passed and I couldn't stop thinking about this girls smile. The way her lips curled up effortlessly revealing her beautiful teeth, so refreshing and natural. It's been awhile since I've felt like this about someone especially since I really only know her name. From time to time I'd look in my rear view mirror to see her singing along to her radio as she stuck her hand out the window moving her fingers in the wind, and I couldn't help but smile at how careless she was.

Cali's POV

After jack led me home I got out to say goodbye to him, he flashed me a small smile as I walked towards him holding my elbow. The second I reached his car window I just stood there staring into his dark eyes not knowing what to say.

"Um- thanks again." I shyly mention.

"It's no problem." He cooed.

"Well I guess this is goodbye then." I laughed while playing with my lanyard.

"I'll see you later, Cali." He smiled genuinely.

"Okay." I melted.

"Goodnight," He whispered.

"Night." I said turning away.

I felt his eyes still on me as I walked up the driveway towards the front door, looking back he beamed me a smile and drove off, butterflies swarmed my stomach as I unlocked the front door.

"Who was that?" My mother pulled her head out from the front windows curtain scaring the shit out of me.

"Oh my gosh mom, you scared me." I panicked holding my chest.

She laughed and followed me into the kitchen leaning against the counter still waiting for a reply.

"So..?" She pestered.

"Some boy I met at the park, he helped me get home because somebody wasn't answering their phone.." I folded my arms.

"I might have dropped it in the pool," She scratched her head.

"I'm not even going to ask." I rolled my eyes.

"Details, give me details!" She demanded.

After I told her what happened she wouldn't leave me alone about Jack.

"I just met him," I laughed.

"Okay okay, I'm going to bed. I have work at the new office in the morning and I'd rather not be late." She kissed my forehead.

"Night." I whispered following her actions.

After I reached the second floor I started to explore my part of the house, the whole top floor. Passing my room I continued down the wooden flooring, to the right I saw a guest bedroom with stripped wallpaper and a canopy bed paired with a tv hanging on the wall. Further down the walkway was a game room, it had a pool table in the far corner and a little bar with alcohols lined up across the counter. Along with a built in wall stereo there was a large rounded couch around a huge projected screen. This room basically has no point for I do not have any friends here.

I checked my phone before I got in bed, on twitter I was mentioned in a couple tweets from people back home.

'JessicaFaith: Missin' my girl @CaliforniaHastings 😪'

'DevynTaylor: Cali some crazy shit went down at Charlotte, wish you were here 😩 @CaliforniaHastings'

I replied to most of them telling them I missed them and all that jazz when I received a text from Jack.

J: Hey, you awake?

C: Yeah, what's wrong?

J: I can't sleep.

C: Why? Is there something on your mind?

J: Yeah

C: And what's that?

J: It's nothing, let's hangout tomorrow, okay?

C: Okay.

J: I'll text you in the morning.

C: Okay, goodnight Jack.

J: night Cali

That was weird..

After awhile I finally found enough strength to put my phone down, and it was so depressing.

I nuzzled into my blankets just thinking about what tomorrow has to hold, eventually my eyes started to get heavy and the darkness caving in.


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