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Cali's POV

"Stop!" Bryn giggled kicking her feet.

"Never." Sam smirked. Continuing to tickle up her sides.

"Please-" She begged hysterically laughing.

It's been like this for the past two days, he came over, they made out, picked fights about pointless things and made up by making out once again, and quite frankly I was getting annoyed.

"Let's do something." I looked over at the two of them.

"Sammy please." Bryn held Sam's wrists in the air.

"Hey!" I yelled a little to loud.

"Jesus, what?" Sam snapped his head.

"I said let's do something."

"Okay.. Like what?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm not suppose to leave the house." Bryn poked in.

"Your fine, my mom won't be home until sunrise. She works the night shift." I brushed it off.

"Oh okay."

"But what are we gonna do?" Sam beamed.

"I have an idea." I grinned to myself.

Back in California we used to pool hop the houses along the beach that weren't screened in during the summer. Let's just say it was a thrill especially when you got busted, I was always the lucky one who got away before the cops came.

"Your scaring me," Bryn eyed my every move.

"Relax." I laid back in my spot.

"Are you gonna tell us or..."

"Pool hop."

"This is Nebraska." Sam laughed.

"And?" I glared.

"Look it'll be fun, I'll ask Jack to come and we can head up to some classy overpriced gated community with a bunch of pools. Don't be chicken shits."

"I don't know Cali-"

"We're in." Sam cut Bryn off.

"I don't need to get in trouble with the cops right now." She made up more excuses.

"You'll be fine." I stood up finding my phone.

"Were in this together," Sam held her close, kissing her hand.

"Go change." I rolled my eyes.

"Can I borrow a swimsuit?" Bryn asked before leaving Sam on the couch.

"Yeah sure, any preferences?" I asked walking up the white staircase.

"Nothing provocative." She laughed behind me.

"This might be hard." I bit my lip digging through my drawers.

"This?" I jokingly asked holding up a stringy bikini.

"Very funny." She folded her hands over her chest.

As I dug through the drawer I remembered the triangl bikini my mom got me for my birthday that literally showed no ass so I went in my closet to dig it out.

Finally I found it underneath all my winter coats that I had yet to hang.

"Will this please you?" I handed her the clear packaging.

"I love it." She held it close to her chest.

"Then go change and meet me downstairs." I pointed towards my bathroom.

Giving In // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now