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Cali's POV
"Are you nervous?" Jack laughed squeezing my thigh.

"A little." I smiled uneasily.

"How was school?" He looked over stopping at a red light.

"It was good, why'd you skip?" I asked biting on the tip of my straw.

"Didn't fell all that great this morning." He stared at the license plate in front of us.

"Sorry." I kissed his hand bringing it up to my face.

I played with Jack's fingers the rest of the way to the airport, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all fake. The last time I saw my dad was when I had the most embarrassing head gear, worst two years of my life.

"I'm really nervous." I held Jack's hand walking through the airports parking garage.

"I can tell." He smiled down at the grip I had on him.

"Sorry," I mumbled letting go.

"Will you relax, it's your dad, not Leonardo DiCaprio." Jack chuckled kissing the top of my head.

"He probably won't even notice me, Im like a whole foot taller and for gods sake I have boobs now." I laughed leaning against Jack's bicep.

"I know." He sickly smirked down at me.

"Ew, you perv!" I smiled pushing him away.

"Babe just relax." He wrapped his big arms around me from behind.

"Babe?" I asked looking up into his deep brown eyes.

"I meant be brave." He coughed standing up straight.

"Right." I trailed next to him slightly smiling.

I laced our arms together as we approached the Left wing of the airport, I watched families greet their loved ones and saw at least three people who were passed out on the leather waiting chairs.

"His flight just landed." Jack beamed pointing up at the big bulletin filled with flight info.

"It's happening." I looked at Jack on the bench next to me.

We watched the gates open as people lined up behind it. I patiently waited watching the people spill out searching for family members.

"Where is he?" I asked Jack after the gates closed portraying an empty.

"I have no idea." He stood up looking around.

"Calibear?" A familiar voice spoke behind us.

"Dad!" I screamed running into his arms.

The tears were practically a given having not seen him in forever.

"Look at you." He smiled dropping his duffle.

"I haven't changed that much." I sarcastically laughed wiping my eyes.

"I'm sorry for the lost time." He stared into my eyes.

"Your here now." I smiled sniffling.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"This is Jack."

"I'm Jack!" My dad smiled.

"He's Jack too." I laughed.

"It's a pleasure." Jack shook my fathers hand.

"So are you too dating?-"



"Apparently we are." I laughed looking back at Jack who's face was all red.

Giving In // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now