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California's POV

Dear Aaron,

Happy Birthday baby! I swear sometimes I still feel like you're here with me, coddling me in your welcoming arms. I miss that Aaron, do you maybe miss me too? I wish our last words weren't in a fight, I blame myself every aching second I think about you. If I would've just let it go you might still be here, and I don't expect you to forgive me when I can't even forgive myself but it should've been me, not you. Jesus I miss you- the way your face lit up at the mere breath of something you truly liked. You were my whole world Aaron, no one understands me around here. You needed me more than ever and I was to selfish trying not to be weak in front of you. The first time I saw you on that hospital bed ruined me, and it was just a broken arm. But just two years later, you laid on that exact same hospital bed waiting for a heart that never came. I would sit outside of your room crying because I knew I put you in there in the first place. When you had that heart attack on my kitchen floor I knew I would never forgive myself and I still haven't yet to this day. I screamed so loud, and for what? A boyfriend with an unresponsive heart? I killed you Aaron, I don't care what anyone says. I did it and you know it.

I'll never be the same without you, but even if I fall in love with someone else it could never be the way I loved you.

Sam's POV

"Ready babe?" I walked into California's room leaning against her door frame.

"Yeah," She hastily spoke slamming closed what looked to be a journal.

"You okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Just nervous about a test." She walked straight past me hurrying down the stairs.

"Cali-" I chuckled stopping her before she walked out the door.

"Yeah?" She bit her lip looking up at me.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?" I asked rubbing up her arms.

"Of course." Her face fell as if she was expecting something else.

The whole drive to school was silent and daunting, was Cali just giving me a second chance because she felt bad? Or was it really a test that was bothering her.

"I'll see you in history." She jumped out of my car before I even stopped it.

"Cali wait!" I shouted putting the car in park catching up to her.


"I love you." I knelt down to kiss her.

"Thanks." She turned her head so I kissed her cheek before she ran off again.

"Smooth." Nate laughed walking up behind me.

"Oh shut up." I scoffed walking towards homeroom.

"You still haven't told her that you turned her in?" He asked following right behind me.

"Would you shut up?" I whisper-yelled turning to him making sure nobody was around.

"She's gonna find out, and when she does, she'll never forgive you." He put his two sense in.

"Who would tell her? No one knows-"

"You wouldn't." I swallowed the lump in my throat stepping closer to him bawling my hand in a fist.

"If you won't, I will." He didn't even flinch.

"Fine, but shut up about it. She already has other things on her mind." I pushed Nate's shoulders shoving him to the ground.

Giving In // j.gHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin