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California's POV

It wasn't long before I was back in my freezing cold apartment, sitting at the cheap kitchen table. The endless ticking of the wall clock drove me insane, consistently filling my ears full of regret. I don't think right when I'm alone, and that's why I have medication; doesn't mean I take it. The bottle lies on the counter, orange and white, full of pills I will never use, mocking my constant move reminding me of my current situation.

Standing up from my metal chair, I made my way over to the bottle fumbling it in my hands beginning to loosen the untouched cap with my shaky fingers. One won't hurt me, hell, ten couldn't hurt me. The whole bottle of pills was now skattered in the palm of my hands weighing down my already trembling fingers.

Leaning over the kitchen sink, I rested my head on my left hand staring up at the large color coated pills. Tilting my hand outwards, I watched every last pill fall into the large farm sink plummeting down the drain.

"Oops," I whispered to myself bititng down on my index finger.

"Fuck!" I hissed chuking the orange container at the dull wall.

Running my fingers through my already tousled hair, I tapped my foot in annoyance. Wet tears stung my eyes before falling to my knit sweater.

This is what I've become, and I don't know what to think of it.

I threw away every last pill on purpose, and I know it'll hurt me in the end.

There were three loud knocks at my door and for some weird reason I knew it was Bryn. Quickly wiping away my tears, I hid the evidence of the medication running to get the door.

"Hey!" Her upbeat voice brought a smile to my face.

"What's up?" I asked only popping my head out the door.

"I brought cheap wine!" She held up the bottle she was hididng behind her back.

"Nice," I held open the door, letting her in.

"Let me just grab these," She bent over picking up the plastic wrapped newspapers.

"Just set them over there." I pointed at my mirrored cart topped with white roses my social worker sent me.

"Is this a double?" She asked refering to my apartment.

"Yep." I sat right back down in my warmed seat from before.

"Here," She handed me a glass full of wine after pulling out the cork.

"So, have you made up your mind?" I hesitated swirling the red liquid around in my tall glass.

"Yes, but are you completely sure about your decision?"

"Positive." I spoke quickly leaning forward in my seat.

"Then I say let's do it!" She giggled and I jumped up from my seat lifting her in the air.

Wine fell over the brim of her glass staining my brand new wood floors but at this point I honestly didnt care. We were going to be sisters, again.

"Oh my gosh! When are you gonna move in?" I rushed the conversation letting her down easy.

"I have to be out by Friday, but I can leave anytime." The smile on her face failed to waver.

"Are you packed?"

"Mostly," She finished off the last of her cup.

"Today.. let's do it." I coaxed.

"I still have a lot of stuff to put away-"

"You're only five doors down, im pretty sure we can handle it." I laughed.

Giving In // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now