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Cali's POV

"You look amazing." My mom piped.

"Thanks." I slightly grinned pushing back the strands left out of my braided bun.

"I wish your dad could be here." She took pictures as unwanted tears escaped her already saddened eyes.

"Me too." I swallowed hard looking down at my tightly fitted dress.

"You look beautiful." Sam creeped up behind me kissing the top of my head.

Without responding I just forced a smile letting my mom take pictures of us together.

"I think I have enough." She laughed dropping her camera letting it dangle around her neck.

"I love you mom." I hugged her tight before leaving with Sam.

"I'll take care of her Mrs. Hastings." Sam smiled waving back at my mom.

"I know you will." She wiped her eyes walking back into the house.

"You okay?" Sam asked once we got in the car.

"Just thinking." I smiled looking over.

For once I was being completely honest, It wasn't Sam or homecoming that made me feel this way but the time I spent with Aaron planning out these stupid things thinking we would spend the rest of our lives together. But clearly that didn't happen and our time came to an end, forcing me to continue on with the dreadful thing we call life. I miss him every sunrise remembering it's another day without the love of my life.

In less than ten minutes we had managed to get to the school with little time to spare, getting out myself I waited for Sam to fix his hair.

"You aren't seriously going to wear those inside." I laughed looking at the ray bans he had put on his face.

"Of course I am." He walked past me fixing his tux.

Rolling my eyes I followed behind him to the double doors fixing my dress one last time.

He walked right inside letting the doors slam in my face, making me fall back into a taller boys arms.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"

"You're fine." He looked down at me bringing me back to my feet.

"Thank you." I adjusted my dress realizing it had been Jack.

"It's no problem." He smiled looking from me to the girl he was linked arms with, Bryn.

"Where's your date?" She asked smiling timidly.

"Inside." I bit my lip trying not to let her get to me.

"You have fun now." She spoke once I turned back to the door pulling it open.

It seemed like forever before I had found Sam at a small table in the back sitting with a bunch of guys from the basketball team.


"Hey! Where were you?" He stood up putting his hand on the small of my back.

"Um, I thought I left something in the car." I faked a smile looking at all the people staring at us.

He just nodded and walked away leaving me alone with more than half of the varsity team.

"Can I get you a drink?-" A guy who smelt like tequila walked up to me.

"I think I'm okay." I smiled scurrying over to Emily and Lauren.

"Hey." I exhaled relaxing my shoulders.

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