Ch1 | silent goodbyes

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"You're going to be late," My mother called from the corridor.

"Just one second, I can't find my phone." I searched the perimeter of my room.

"It's in here!" Bryn shouted from the bathroom.

"You riding with us?" I asked, applying nude lipstick.

"Yeah, just let me finish." She smiled, curling the final strands of her hair.

"Okay," I grabbed my phone from the counter meeting my mom in the apartments living room.

"You look beautiful," She smiled down at my graduation dress.

"Thanks," I blushed, fixing the red straps.

"Where's Bryn, I want a picture of the both of you."

"Finishing her hair," I checked the time on my phone.

"Ready!" She came running out in six inch heels.

After my mom took pictures of us we all piled into her matte black SUV before driving to the high school.

"Did the pictures come out okay?" My mom asked, handing her Canon to Bryn in the front seat.

"Yeah." Bryn started. "Oh my gosh, look at this one." She handed me the camera, chuckling.

"My face!" I laughed.

"Don't delete any of them," My mom instructed, of course being overly sappy.

"You took like fifty, you don't need this one." I was tempted to delete it.

But before I could, Bryn snatched the camera examining the picture again.

"It's my favorite one," She whispered.

"You girls have to hurry, seniors were supposed to be here twenty minutes ago." She rushed us, searching for a parking space.

"Okay okay." We hopped out in the middle of the street running towards the gymnasium.

"Ladies-" Coach spoke once we walked through the door.

"We're sorry! The parking lot was packed." Bryn lied, walking over to where we pick up our cap and gown.

"California Hastings," The guidance counselor handed me my black silk gown.

"Thank you, sir." I reached for it, taking the cap in my other hand.

"Hurry up, everyone else is already lined up." Coach pointed at the hallway we were supposed to follow.

Laughing, Bryn and I both ran down it trying to find our graduating class. We came to a halt when cones where set up around a small liquid mess on the floor.

"Ew, ew, ew." Bryn passed it.

"Looks like someone already got sick." I laughed before seeing Sam sprawled out on a bench, an ice pack held up against his forehead.

"Just keep walking," Bryn whispered, allowing us to pass him.

"Congrats, ladies." He spoke through chapped lips.

I think I've talked to Sam maybe once after the accident, and that was just because my shoe lace came untied. I had the lawyers deal with all the car drama.

"Yeah, you too." I looked at his sick eyes, and I knew he had been the one to hurl.

"What the fuck?" Bryn stared down at the floor.

Once I saw the students lined up in the hallway I pulled the gown over my head before fixing my hair.

"Hanstings." A girl who was graduating as well pointed out my spot in the line.

Giving In // j.gМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя