
6.6K 190 86

Pt. 2

I could hear Karma's scream as the car hit us head on, pushing Jack's jeep over the railing. We rolled four times before hitting a tree and coming to a fast stop, my door was jammed shut and I couldn't breathe, the horn was stuck and blared loud through the snow capped trees.

"Karma-" I choked being suffocated by the airbag.

Her cries were cut off when the glass from the windshield fell through onto the dashboard and onto us.

I heard feet running in the snow followed by faint screaming.

"Fuck!" They shouted kicking the back tire of Jack's Jeep.



"Her vitals are poor, get Dr. Connor." The younger nurse shut her flashlight off putting it back in her scrubs pocket.

I've been attached to an oxygen machine for the past fifteen minutes, my dress still hugging my body, bloody and cold.

In the far corner of the room I could hear latex gloves being stretched over skin and the sound of sneakers against the generic hospital floors.

"Alright, what have we got?" A man, not much older than the nurse leaned over my body, resting his hand against my nose.

"Broken." He said fixing his surgical mask.

"Collapsed lung, two broken ribs, and we think internal bleeding." The nurse stood behind him typing into a machine.

"No arm or leg fractures?" He asked pulling at the skin across my knees.

"We're not positive, but it just looks likes a lot of tissue damage."

"Okay, any other persons involved?" He rolled his chair away washing his hands under a sink.

"Yes, we have one girl, about the same age maybe older, broken leg and a large gash in her left arm."

"Internal bleeding?"

"No sir, but she's still under." The nurse stood tall, standing in front of the door.

"Okay, stitch her up. And I'll get this one into surgery right now. Have family members been contacted?" The doctor asked unlocking the gurneys wheels.

"Um- this is Sarah Hastings daughter." The nurse started. "She doesn't really have any family." She finished, whispering.

"If she's been here before, check her visitors lists, friends,
co- workers."

"She's going to need people when she wakes up- if she wakes up." The doctor began to wheel my stretcher away.

"Okay sir, room four is prepped." The nurse called holding the door open for us.

Rushing me through the halls, two double doors were pushed open by the end of my gurney revealing a room full of other doctors gathered around a metal table top.

"On three," Dr. Connors said, before counting.

They lifted my body from the gurney to the table gently letting my head down.

A Hispanic nurse leaned over my chest putting an oxygen mask on top of my mouth that was attached to a large plastic container.

Dr. Connors bandaged my nose before moving to my body, while he sanitized a needle, the same nurse puncture my left arm with an IV.

"Get the electrodes." She said taping it down.

Dr. Connors squirted out a generous amount of fluid before brining the needle in contact with one of the IV's tubes.

Giving In // j.gजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें