Ch6 | shaky knees

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I passed out about halfway through the movie, Jack and I's hands intertwined across the separation of the two couches. I seem to remember the small patterns Jack's thumb illustrated on the back of my hand, causing my eyes to become heavy unwillingly.

When I woke up, our hands were still attached, molded together as my mother sat in the recliner across the room watching Good Morning America. I quickly shook his grip, Jack's eyes shooting open before he sat up on the love seat.

"Well good morning." My mother smiled, the smell of her coffee engulfing the room.

Not one of us bothered to respond as we were to flustered by the fact that she had obviously seen our hands attached during our slumber.

"Sleep well?" She continued, setting down her crossword puzzle from the newspaper.

"Yeah," Jack and I chimed in unison.

He looked over at me and smiled as did I, returning the favor.

"You've got a solid grip." Jack beamed, making the possibly unknown obvious.

"Seriously?" I mouth to him, embarrassment growing in the pit of my stomach.

"You two never fail to amaze me." My mother disappeared into the kitchen.

"Did you sleep well?" I repeated my mothers question, walking over to sit next to Jack.

"Yeah, actually. Better than I have in weeks," Jack's hand snaked around my back, a small kiss being planted on my cheek.

"I'm glad." I smile, pushing his messy hair up and away from his forehead.

"You snored all night," He chuckled, leaning into me, the gap between us now nonexistent.

"Remind me to make you go home next time." I nudged him, trying to get his attention away from my flaming red cheeks.

"Next time?" He smirked.

"I just thought-" I stuttered.

"I'm kidding," He smiled.

"Your cute when your embarrassed," He continued, my whole body tingling.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked intending to completely change the subject.

"Back to TCU I guess," His words hurt me, almost making me wish we were still talking about my snoring.

"What?" I asked, closing my eyes tightly.

"My job up there, I could only get three days off."

"Then quit," I spoke too quickly, Jack bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"Yeah, right." He smiled over at me, moving his arm from around me before getting up from the couch.

"You're leaving me, already?" I croak unable to control my emotions.

"I can probably come back in a month or so," The hesitation in his voice scared me more than anything.

"A month?"

"Yes California, I'm living on my own now. I can't afford to make these trips every two weeks." He speaks, my whole being wanting to throw a phone book at his head.

The way he talked to me made me feel like a child, growing tired of the way he spoke down at me.

"You know I didn't eat for days because of you," I cried, Jack's eyes suddenly turning into something more than just his usual dark orbs.

"What are you talking about?" His voice was quiet.

"I tried to hate you for the things you did, but I hated myself even more for letting you go." I stopped, tears pooling in the corners of my eyes.

Giving In // j.gWhere stories live. Discover now