Ch15 | iced vanilla latte

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"Good morning, Fort Worth. This is channel nine keeping you up to date on all of the local and current international news. As of August 13th, former college student at TCU was pronounced missing after finding his isolated apartment immersed with blood. Investigators have yet to exploit any information related to the crime scene leaving the friends and family of young Jack Gilinsky clueless. More on this after the break, Im Jessica Hansen, channel nine news." The YouTube video ends, leaving me a sobbing mess.

Sam stands behind me quietly, closing the laptop completely.

"You should just go home, Sam." I wipe my eyes, tears continuing to pour from them.

"I can't leave you, not like this." He quietly whispers before resting his hands on my shoulders.

"Everybody is doing the best that they can, now we just have to wait." His attempt at making me feel better does the opposite.

"I've already been waiting 48 hours," I whimper, not allowing my lack of sleep to consume me.

"I know, and it'll never get easier, no matter how much you try to push it to the back of your mind. I lost everything when Bryn went missing, she was my entire world. And for months I felt trapped, that was until you came along." He quietly admits.

"Was she on the news too?" I stupidly ask.

"For the first few weeks, yeah. But after three months or so they pronounced her dead and she was never brought up again, only the high school bothered to set up a memorial." He is trying his best not to crack.

"What if that happens to Jack? What if they just give up?" I panic.

"In this case there is just too much evidence to give up, I give it a weeks time before this is everywhere."

"With Bryn it was almost like she ran away, no one had any idea that she was kidnapped, there was no evidence besides shards of glass on the sidewalk from her phones cracked screen."

"I just want to hear his voice," I cry again.

"Maybe we can do an interview? One where you can say something to Jack, like a message?" Sam asks and I know he is just trying to help, but it is solely too soon.

"It's only been two days," I weakly smile.

"That might be a good thing, we need to get our situation out there as soon as possible." Sam's want to help is almost saddening.

"I don't know,"

"I can call the news station, you just have to let me know." He walks over to Ken's bed and falls back on it.

Kendall drove home to see her family one last time before the school year, she didn't want to leave with all of this stuff happening but I made her. I could never justify letting her blow off family just to sit around with me and hope for the best.

I think that might be the worst part, knowing that I can't do anything about it.

"Do you want me to call?" Sam asks.

"Please," I respond.

If a thirty second clip of me talking to Jack gets us any closer to finding him, I'll do it. I know the news station will want to cover it for views anyway, how tragic, helpless freshman college student's boyfriend mysteriously disappears, his apartment left a bloody mess.

"Hi, yes. My name is Sam Wilkinson and I am calling about the man you covered on this mornings news, Jack Gilinsky?" He begins to speak and my breath gets caught in my throat.

"I'm his friend, actually. He has a girlfriend and her name is California, she wants to make a video about his disappearance and wants to know if maybe you'll cover it?"

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