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Jack's POV

Its been three weeks since California was in the hospital, and quite frankly we still haven't talked since. Her and Sam are basically inseparable but yet they've decided to take things slow and not label themselves as boyfriend and girlfriend, sound familiar?

Everyday I watch her, and that same girl that I fell in love with four months ago still has a big part of my heart. She was mine, and now she's his and i'm afraid he takes her for granted. She'll look up at him and smile while he's to busy checking out some freshman girl three years younger, and of course California's to lost to notice. In a perfect world she'd be mine and I'd be hers never letting her forget how beautiful she really is.

"Let her go, Jack." Bryn sadly mumbles walking straight past me brushing against my hoodie.

"Bryn-" I stopped her.

"What?" She looked back at me with pale skin.

"Can we talk?" I hesitantly asked looking at how stiff she was.

"Sure." She sighed following me to the nearest open table.

"What happened?" I asked her staring at her relatively visible dark circles.

"I moved out, emancipated myself, and bought an apartment with the money my parents gave me to disappear from their lives." She picked at her nails.

"That's not like them." I shook my head in disbelief.

"You don't get what it feels like to be unwanted, yeah maybe you miss California, but your parents of seventeen years didn't pay you to leave. After I went missing they moved to florida, got pregnant again and started over. Don't you dare feel sorry for yourself because I would do anything to have my childhood back." She spoke with so much hatred in her voice.

"Im so sorr-"

"Yeah, they all are. Are we done now?" She stood up adjusting the strap of her leather bag.

"Bryn, dont." I stood up as well.

"I have to go Jack." She turned around walking the other way.

I watched her walk right past Sam not daring to look him in the eyes as he observed her intently with saddened eyes.

California's POV

Dear Aaron,

Lately I can't get you out of my head, whether it be in my dreams or seeing your unforgettable face in a large crowd. Just yesterday I ran around campus chasing after you only to yank on the back of Jeffrey Kipp's shirt. He eyed me and my face fell hoping it'd be you, even if you died more than over a year ago. It's kind of sad actually, that I keep chasing you, screaming your name, praying that you,ll respond, even though I'm yelling at nobody. They all just stare, whispers flood my ears and I'll swallow hard remembering that you're dead Aaron, all because of me. Currently I have no voice, and am more vulnerable than ever, I long to hear that soft voice of yours that's slowly becoming harder and harder to remember. I know it was you that saved me three weeks ago, but no one believes me. They make me feel crazy even though I saw saw you that day, I felt you arms around my small bust carrying me to the hospital. I couldn't keep my eyes open but my smile never faded until you let go. Leaving me all alone in that hospital bed, kissing my forehead right before you left for the very last time. It's not like me to be so

"Hey-" My mom creeped up behind me.

"What's up?" I quickly spun around.

"How's Bryn?" She looked down at her arm.

"I don't really see her a lot around school, but i think she's really happy now." I forced a small smile trying to cheer my mom up.


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