Aaron: I'll be there in five minutes.

"Tonight, 7 PM." I reminded her, tucking a wet strand behind her ear.

Her eyes fluttered as she caught my hand, "I can't."

My face fell, "What?"

Ava got up, moving a little far from me. She gestured for me to sit, "You need to know something."

Her lips were pursed together as a tear drop fell from her eyes. She wiped it immediately, forcing herself to stare at me. After a very, very long minutes of silence, she talked.

"Aaron, I worked for your father against you. . ."

The more she spoke, the more suffocating I started to feel. I knew she noticed that, but that doesn't stop her from spilling every truth and every plan she played on my back. Ava was forcing the words out of her mouth, as if she kept it to herself any longer, she would die. I couldn't take my eyes off from her, looking right through her desperately to believe she was lying.

To believe this was all just a joke.

But it wasn't. It felt like my life and feelings were made into a joke. Nothing was real? She was pretending all along?

My eyes turned hard and cold, jaw clenched and hands balled into fists. The turmoil started to increase in my stomach, I felt sick as it bottomed up completely, wanting to choke the life out of me.

She got what she wanted.

. . .what about me?

I could hear her cries as she moved further away from me, afraid of what I would do to her. I was scared myself, scared of what my darkness demanded to be done to the traitors. She betrayed me and for the first time in my life, I did not have one fūcking clue about what I felt.

And at that moment, my body had become numb and nothing seemed to matter anymore.

When I stood up from the bed, Ava crawled towards me, her eyes swollen from bawling so much. "I'm so sorry—Please forgive me, Aaron. Please, don't go!"

Her small hand grasped mine, tightening her hold. I looked down at that hand in mine, something so similar, suddenly seemed so strange. I snatched my hand away, her eyes flashing the same conflicting emotions I felt. Regret. Hurt.

"You promised you would stay," Ava whispered. I didn't speak, I didn't want to say something I would not forgive myself for.

Her eyes said so much more, the eyes I fell in love with. They were always so pure and beautiful, so different to me. And then, after all of this, I couldn't look at her anymore.

For once, I was ready to break my promises.

She begged for me to stay but I turned my back on her, leaving her behind just like seven months ago. It was cruel how mockingly remorseless it was, I guess this was my punishment for taking lives of so many people.

I believed God was demonstrating my path to hell and I was glad for it. I had already accepted it the first time I killed a man. Just... didn't expected for it to be so heart wrenching.

The second I entered my office, Ace, Ferro and Leon shot me a look I didn't want them to give. I made my way behind the table, grabbing a bottle from the rack, taking four swigs of whiskey, not bothering with a glass, and repeating it several times until the bottle was empty, and I felt nothing but the burn through my body.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed another bottle, wanting to drown myself in the amber liquid. Ace pried it out of my hands, "What the fūck are you trying to do? That's only going to get you admitted in a fūcking hospital."

"Don't fūcking tell me what to do," I gritted out between clenched teeth.

I screamed out my frustration, unleashing the rage and wrath I no longer had any control over. It pounded into me as furiously as Ava's betrayal. I lunged forward, clearing all the contents off the table, to the floor.

The sounds of the glass crashing onto the hardwood was mocking me… my heart shattering the exact same way. It was everywhere and all around me. I couldn’t run. I couldn’t escape.

"Ava Knights is a traitor." Leon announced, tossing a pile of paper across the table that had informations about her whereabouts from the time she arrived Italy.

Ferro spoke, "She has been working for your father—"

I growled angrily, "I fūcking know!"

But I didn't know what was more painful. . .

Watching her broken or having my heart in pieces.


Can I put 'The End' and just finish this story. I mean Aaron will kill her now that's it.

End. Of. The. Story.


Just kidding XD

What do you want to see next?

Anyway, I'm still gonna kill the characters.

Well, cheers to my lame jokes.

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