Instagram: skrywer.raaz

Twitter: raazia_18

  • انضمApril 2, 2016


الرسالة الأخيرة
KeepingItDespacito KeepingItDespacito May 03, 2019 12:47PM
Long time, no see XDI apologise for going completely AWOL and left you guys without any updates. I hope you will be hanging around without hating me. I will be back with frequent updates on my stor...
عرض جميع المحادثات

قصص بقلم RT
A Classic Billionaire Story بقلم KeepingItDespacito
A Classic Billionaire Story
My version of a Classic Billionaire Story we all adore and secretly wish for. The grumpy and the sunshine. Th...
Balletto With The Mafia  بقلم KeepingItDespacito
Balletto With The Mafia
Book #3 in the Tattered Souls Series. Can be read as a Stand-Alone . . . . . . ...
Selfie With The Mafia  بقلم KeepingItDespacito
Selfie With The Mafia
#3 in Romance #2 in Humor Book I & II in the Tattered Souls Series. 1st Book - Completed [16/12/2017] 2nd Boo...
+19 أكثر
3 قوائم قراءة