The Disruption of Ranks

Start from the beginning

I locked my phone immediately and set my phone down while childishly sticking my tongue at Jay.

As a response, he also stuck his tongue out and then attempted to lick my face.

"Ew, no! Stop!" I exclaimed, laughing as I tried to avoid his advances. "Down boy! Sit!"

Everyone was chuckling at our behaviour, amused at our childish antics.

Everyone except Theo. He had on a dark expression that seemed to go unnoticed by everyone but me. What's his problem?

He glared at Jay for a split second before shifting his attention on me. He held my gaze intensely as though he was trying to send me a message. After a few more moments of staring at each other, he seemed to give up and break eye contact.

I didn't fail to notice him sighing in defeat.

"You used to hate it when people touched your face!" One of my pack members said in surprise.

I blinked at him, taken aback from what he'd just said. How did he know?

He started to explain himself after seeing my confused expression.

"Remember when you broke Brandon's arm when he squeezed your cheeks without permission?" He elaborated, chuckling at the memory.

That guy's name is Brandon?

Oh God, I broke his arm a long time ago...when I couldn't control my anger.

He squeezed my cheeks hard because he thought I was 'cute' to think women could be in the pack's defence force.

Now here I am, not only a warrior, but also the Chief Warrior of my pack. However, I still don't think breaking his arm was the best response.

He made me mad at a time when my wolf and I had very bad anger management and always demanded and expected respect from everyone.

That was when I was nicknamed 'That crazy abnormally strong orphan'. Pretty long nickname, if you ask me...

Another pack member, the one who takes his 'guarding job' a little more seriously, joined in.

"I remember that, I was there from the beginning! You got so mad so fast! You always had an issue with people treating you lower than you thought you deserved."

Theo's eyebrow raised at this while Leona, Julian and Kobi turned to me with big eyes.

I shrugged while I kept on eating.

"Her temper has improved immensely over the years." Jay spoke up, somehow sounding defensive.

I was grateful for his response. I don't particularly like to revisit how I used to be like. The anger, the temperment and the whole dominance behaviour. People hated me like that, even though I was really being me.

Ironically, people kept saying 'who does she think she is?' or 'who is she to act demand respect like that?'. I wasn't trying to someone I wasn't...that was genuinely my character. I don't remember ever being a bitch to people, I was just different, I guess.

It took countless of therapy sessions for me to see how wrong that all was.

Little things like someone looking directly into my eyes, doesn't mean they are challenging me or disrespecting me. Like my wolf kept telling me.

I know that now...

Breakfast ended a few moments Jay spoke. Everyone had different objectives today.

Theo was going spend the day doing paperwork on pack business, and he asked Julian and Leona to assist him. Kobi was going to assist Irene on training the warriors. Jay and the others were planning on chilling in the forest.

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