23: loved

361 21 5

tw trauma

"you're okay" brendon mumbled in my ear, kissing my head.
i had a nice little cry on brendon and told him what happened. he was being the sweet person he is and comforting me:

"sorry about this" i said.
"don't be. really, none of this is your fault" he replied, wiping my tears.
"ugh i fucking hate her" i muttered.
"i don't blame you darling" he leaned his head on my neck, squeezing me.
"you want a snack?" he asked me.
"im good" i replied.
"i'll let you be alone for a bit. but first" he got up and put a billie eilish vinyl in my record player. he kissed my head and left the room.

i love him.

i laid on my bed letting the sweet voice of billie eilish fill the room. soon enough my eyes fluttered shut and i slipped into darkness.

"no! i promise i wont do it again!" i sobbed as laurel pinned me against the floor. i tried shouting for help but she covered my mouth. my cries for help were not heard. my screams were muffled. how could she touch a 13 year old child like this? where was her sanity? "stop" i whispered

i screamed and shot up, falling off my bed. "alexa!?" brendon bolted into my room and saw me on the floor.
"im fine. i-it was just a dream" i rubbed my eyes and sighing.
"it sucks" i looked at him.
"what does?"
"to see you like this. my own fucking child hurting all the time"

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