19: "i love my mom"

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brendon sang me to sleep and i awoke late ish. i was really late for school. brendon explained to them that i was going through some trauma from my past and was getting nightmares and oversleeping.

i walked into school during free period and saw my friends were by rileys locker. they spotted me walking over and cheered.
"what happened to you?" dylan asked me as riley put her arm round me.
"i overslept. my dad thought i looked cute sleeping" i lied.
"you good?" riley asks.
"yeah" i lied. the nightmares were haunting me.

school went by and sarah came to pick me up. she didn't take me home. she drove us to a starbucks drive thru and got me a drink then to the mcdonalds one. she got me nuggets and cries. she got herself and brendon some food too.
"whats this for?" i asked. "you deserve it. you've really been trying and it breaks my heart to see you hurt." she lightly punched my arm. "thats so so sweet. thanks" i smiled.
"of course" she smiled back and carried on driving.

i took a snapchat of the food and captioned it "i love my mom"

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