16: relief

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brendon stayed with me till i fell asleep which was so so sweet of him. i awoke later on to sarah putting my clothes away.
"good morning. you good?" she asks.
"i guess" i admitted. i was kind of happy that i had told someone what had happened to me. but now i had to ask brendon to tell sarah as it had made me way too afraid.

"as long as you're a little good then" she thumbs up'ed. "i'll get you something to eat" she turned to leave.
"im 14. i have depression and ptsd not a broken leg and you're my mom. not my slave" i got up fell out of bed before standing up and following her out. we went downstairs and brendon was on his phone. i sat next to him and texted him.

me: i feel awkward saying it aloud but can u tell sarah when im not around?

brendon: Of course iI will! I love you okay? Always here

me; ondjsjsj ily2 stop omg im gonna smile


me and brendon giggled. sarah saw what we were doing and rolled her eyes playfully. i was starving so she gave me some lunch. i felt a little awkward around brendon because of what i told him. i was nervously picking my food. he noticed and put his arm around me, leaning my head on his side.

after i ate i got changed into some loose black leggings and a red oversized. i brushed my hair and went to my record player. brendons mom gave it to me as a present - she is so so fucking precious. i put in my billie eilish vinyl and let her voice fill my room before my phone buzzed.

brendon: She knows. You okay?

me: tysm ily ily ily and kinda of bc ITS OUT like im always scared and im happy that u guys know but its a lil bit scary ??

brendon: Ah i get you. Im proud of you for telling me. You can say the rest whenever you want.

me: even if i text it??

brendon: Whatever you prefer!

me; ur the best!! <3

brendon: No. You are.

i then noticed that riley texted me.

riley: im coming over


riley: u good??

me: well

riley: hugs are on the way <3

the doorbell rang. i grinned and went to answer it.

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