42| Oblivious

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I honestly don't know what the fuck happened but I was hella excited to see Heidi looking all broken and shit over the loss of her so called 'love' who was now pretty much all mine. It was weird though, I expected the jock to say a bunch of terrible shit and spread it across the school that way we could get at it, yet she didn't. School had gotten ten times better just because for once, Heidi Starr didnt get everything she wanted like always. I mean, the girl basically has a full ride to her college, all the attention is always on her since she's a boss on court, and I don't know, I hated how her politeness was able to hypnotize everyone.

"Yo babe, you ready to go and cop some xan" I joked.

Kiersten looked at me with with a 'Are you seriously joking about drugs?' look and I couldn't help but keep my mouth shut after. Lately, she's been looking extremely tired and I didn't know why. Her eyes had darkened circles under it and she looked thinner than I've ever seen her. Maybe it was because all she did was play with her food? I was not about to get into business that I shouldn't though.

Letting out a yawn, "I'll meet you at our usual spot" she said while entering the quiet classroom in front of her. We met at my unassigned assigned parking lot spot everyday after school before rehab. To be honest, my body couldn't stop craving drugs all day and all night. I was getting so sick and tired of feeling noting at all, I wanted to have my brain go through trippy ass events. The feelings I would go through always made school less boring. The most painful thing was having to watch all of my friends walk into class high without me not being apart of it. At least Shantel had the decency to not do drugs anywhere near me, let alone boasted about how fucked up she was.

As I walked into my class, everyone didn't look terrified of me anymore. I used to love how scared people would get or the bad ass impression I portrayed and I couldn't help but feel all of that slipping away just because I was now a patient at a rehab center. I don't think anyone understood that I had officially became the outcast of the school.I simply did not belong anywhere anymore. The lit kids couldn't hang since I was a newly sober while I was still considered too bad for all the non problematic kids.

I've noticed a few new habits that occurred because I was lacking everyday substances. There were movement problems like how I couldn't stop shaking which made me turn to alternatives such as constantly tapping my foot or fiddling with pens or pencils with my fingers. I'm a complete mess, it was dawning on me. Honestly, it really sucked how I couldn't feel the same determination as Kiersten who kept wanting to see me get better. Maybe I wasn't supposed to get better, maybe this was the person I was going to be forever?

There was no way in hell that I wanted a child in the future, let alone get married. I don't even know how people stick to the same person for that long? Don't you get fucking sick of em... hence, a divorce? Sometimes, I felt like I was doing the impossible, like I shouldn't be fixing myself because I'm still young and there's time for me to have fun. I don't understand why society wanted kids like me to grow up so fast?

The rest of school went by quickly. It had been the usual. I'd get my assignment grades back and they'd be failing grades of course but who gave a shit? When the hell would I use half of the things I was learning to my advantage? I mean, sometimes I would get alright grades because I'd copy Kiersten's work when she slept. Other than that, my GPA was literally compete shit.


Kiersten had been waiting outside, doing her homework as usual while I sat in a circle filled with a bunch of air heads; I had been too distacted to pay attention.

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