20| Stupid

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If I were to describe my current fixation on the amount of emotions I was experiencing, I would say they were shitty. Feeling anything towards someone at all was definitely something I had not planned nor wanted to approach. I felt like I didn't know how to act or what to say because all of it repulsed my vibes. It was almost as if my hard core persona was being inverted to something more pussy like; I think I'm becoming an actual pussy for caring. Why did everything seem to become more dramatic over this one person? There was never a time for me when I'd constantly feel the need to talk or make sure that a specific girl was okay. I mean, to be honest, I didn't have time to care. Furthermore, it seemed to me that I couldn't help myself from making time just for her.

I'm sorry to say this. However, it kind of pissed me off how she wouldn't stand up for herself. I get the whole speech thing, but why couldn't she talk to her the way she'd talk to me. It was slow and broken yet understandable. All I was getting as I watched their encounter from afar was Kiersten allowing Heidi to control her. I could read the lips of the dark haired brunette telling the taller girl 'Okay' multiple times as if she's agreeing to whatever the basketball star was saying. Literally almost minutes ago, I was going to fuck her tall ass up if it wasn't for the little ball of sunshine who asked me politely to give them space. I don't even know why I abided by her demands, but it might of been because of the sound of her voice along with her choices of words.

Kiersten had very feminine vocals where all of her words were pronounced super clear. You could tell she was highly educated because she didn't use much slang or cheat words. The way literature would roll off her tongue was pure formal, said with the best intentions only. Truth be told, though she was insecure by her speech, she actually made me feel small when it came to intellectuals. I guess that's why I've been so intrigued in wanting to know how her brain processes.

A cup of water with cucumber in it was in my hand since I was trying to sober up a bit. Funny, sobering was something I rarely do.

"So, this is the bitch that caught your eye over me?" the sexy blonde questioned. At times like this, Lexi seemed irrelevant to me.

My eyes were still glued on the conversation that was going on a few feet away from me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please" she scoffed. "I fucking threw myself at you and you didn't even make a move. I mean, I even noticed that you rarely look at my tits anymore." She was sitting beside me on a cushioned couch.

Crossing my arms from annoyance, "I love your tits, now shut it. There's more important things than em right now."

Lexi's sexual frustration seemed to take effect on her because she decided to get up and walk away, saying "When you're done fantasizing over Angeles' younger sister, I'll wait for you to crawl back to me."

"Only bitch who's gonna be crawling is you" I mumbled as she put a fist in the air with her middle finger pointing to the sky.

I wouldn't say I was obsessed with Kiersten, but god damn was I addicted. She was so incredibly genuine and real, it was something we both shared in common. Besides all the other shit that made us completely different, apart of me felt like we understood how either of us worked. The only thing I would say about our differences is how it might be too great. If anything were to happen, I don't think I'd be the type to drop smoking, hooking up, or drinking. That wasn't an option and I definitely did not want her to change for me, she wouldn't be the same anymore.

The multicolor eyed girl finished talking to Heidi and I could detect this due to how they parted. The senior looked really upset, walking away with her head held down. As I watched Kiersten travel towards me, I fixed my posture and tried to look as casual as I could, that way I wouldn't frighten her or make her think I had been upset. It was fucking obvious how my mood could affect hers and if there's one thing I'm sure of, I never wanted to make her feel any sort of negativity.

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