3| Stay Away

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It was lunch time now, the very first school lunch period I could remember... I had a lot of problems when it came to remembering. For my meal, Kennedy had given me cash to buy whatever I pleased. Choosing to get an acai smoothie since my appetite wasn't a big one, I sat with Dianna and the rest of her cheer squad at a table outdoors. They had given me an option of either eating indoors or outdoors and of course I chose to eat outdoors. I loved to look at the aesthetics of nature and beauty and how they juxtaposed each other to form something even greater to view. To me, the world is beautiful, filled with all these magical and majestic creatures. I believe that everyone is art and though people try to paint their own lives, it doesn't always go the way they want it to.

"Sweetie, would you like a kit kat bar?" asked Dianna who interrupted my thoughts. She had ripped the red packaging enough for half of the chocolate to be exposed.

Smiling as I recalled Skylar giving me that nickname, I took the candy bar and began to eat it. It was funny because I could feel her looking at me. I knew she was sitting at the top part of the lawn with what looked like another one of her special friends. I saw them grab a seat there not too long ago. I glanced behind me towards her direction and sure enough, she was faced towards me. She let out what looked like a little laugh followed by a mouthing of "hi" and then began or continued a conversation with her friend. Her hair was different now, it was put up in a bun with her bandana still wrapped around her head like a headband. She had on these shades that gave off 80's vibes but they just made her look more confident than before. If I was correct, I think they were the same shades her kissing friend Lexie was wearing. One of her earphones was in her ear and I couldn't help but wonder what type of music she listens to.

"Saw her almost hit you with her car today" said one of the other cheerleaders.

"Quinn! Shut up! What did I tell you about bringing up accidents?" Snarled Dianna.

"Shit, sorry I forgot!" Gasped the petite redhead flyer.

I put one of my hands on Dianna's as I gave her an 'it's okay' look. Sipping my smoothie, I began to listen to all of the conversations the cheerleaders would talk about. Their convos would vary from boys, to practice, to more boys. It was actually kinda boring if I'm being honest. The whole rest of the day was and I ended up just wanting to see Kennedy so I could go home. Her college was only a few minutes away, attending the University of California Irvine campus. I know she chose to stay close because she felt very protective over me and in a way, I didn't like burdening her. What hits me the hardest is how even though she swears it wasn't my fault for her and her long time love breaking up, I know it was mine. She didn't take the offer she had gotten to attend the same school as him at Penn State and the two of them couldn't do the distance.

The rest of the school day went by slow. It was the same thing at each of the classes. I get there, introduce myself, we go over the syllabus, have free time, watch Skylar cause trouble if she was in one of my classes, and that's it. After my last period which was art, Dianna let me off the hook since I knew where to go and find my sister. She would be parked right outside the front doors. Though it wasn't a parking spot, she was Kennedy Angeles and still ran the whole school from college, no one would dear tell her to move.

As I started to walk towards the doors, I felt a light hand tap my shoulders. I whipped my head to face this stranger and sure enough it was the girl who almost hit me with her car.

"Is Kennedy going to be picking you up?" She asked.

I nodded in confirmation.

The Bad Girl's Kit Kat (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now