24| Not Today

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Can everyone stop fucking staring at me?

I swear to god, whenever a person passed by, they would look at me with despair in their eyes. There was an understanding as to why considering I didn't look the best at the moment. However, they needed to be more nonchalant about it. It wasn't my fault that my make up had been at home since I woke up with Angeles which led to me wearing her clothes with my hair in a shitty bun. Not to mention, I really wasn't feeling school today so excuse me if the face I had on wasn't very appealing. Their eyes would land mainly on the back of the sweatshirt I was wearing and that pretty much told me people were starting to make assumptions between Kennedy's younger sister and I.

We had just finished first period which was English; Kiersten was with that red headed bitch again and I hated how much she'd associate with her. I watched as the attractive dark haired brunette gave what looked to be presents to the senior. Apparently it was Heidi's birthday so that technically translated to "Heidi Day" in which the star basketball player got probably the most extra treatment all throughout the day. I'm not sure why it bothered me how close the two of them seem to be, but it did. There was just something about the way they looked at each other and I could feel a feeling I wanted to avoid at all costs: envy. Kiersten's eyes didn't light up as much as Heidi's did but she did seem to have a gleam of adoration towards the taller girl. I dont know man, maybe I was overthinking everything too much?

"Thank you so much, love" I heard the power forward say.

'Love?'... This hoe was really trying to push it wasn't she?  Little did she know her 'Love' was all up in my pussy this morning so...

My head leaned against my locker as I crossed my arms. Everything felt heavy. That included my muscles, eyes, and even breaths. I was confused as to why I was feeling this way and my guess had been because Kiersten wasn't near me at the moment. It's kind of funny; I noticed that i'd feel a lot more lively from the simplicity of getting to know her or touch her. I'd get the same feelings from drugs, it was like a high, the only difference was her high gave me attachments to feelings I've never experienced before. No matter how much I tried to avoid it, I couldn't.

The way her tongue moved against me was incredibly unexpected; it was hard for me not to envision over and over. Her hair fell loosely on my thighs, tingling me effortlessly with her eyes looking straight into mine. I was so turned on from her act of dominance because usually I'd be the one to do all the work during sex. Something that bothered me a bit was how Kiersten had acts of sweetness towards me when we weren't at school, but when we were, our connection would turn into short glances or small conversations. In a way, I couldn't help but feel like she was embarrassed by me.

"How'd it go last night?" Shantel intervened. The tall girl with her black hair had on her night after shades, telling me she most likely was hung over from drinking last night. I'm actually surprised I wasn't in her position because I mean... come on. I'm the fucking queen when it comes to intoxication. "Did you guys hook up?"

I glanced over at the girl she was referring to and usually I'd tell my best friend everything about my life. However, I liked keeping the way I was with Kiersten a secret from everybody. Maybe one day I'd be okay with walking in the halls attached to her side or kissing her whenever I wanted such as right now. But that day was definitely not today. Replying without eye contact, "No, we didn't."

"What?" She laughed. "You didn't make a move? You always do."

"Nah, I wasn't feeling it last night. Plus she was tired." I started to feel guilty for lying.

"Um... wake her ass up with sex?"

Rolling my eyes, "Shantel."

My best friend began to play with the nail polish that was wearing off. "All I'm saying is, if you don't get at her then Heidi will because I heard she's feening for birthday sex."

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