22| Kiddo

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"I'm a unicorn Skylar!" She squealed as I quietly tried to bring her up the stairs and towards her room. Because her place was so big, I didn't see her family members around. It didn't hurt to stay cautious just incase they were here. "Woah, it's a full rainbow, a- all the way! Double rain... bow in the sky, double rainbow!" Kiersten sang terribly.

Holding her by the waist since she couldn't stand on her own, "Please be quiet kiddo... otherwise I'm going to get in trouble."

She was as high as a mother fucking flock of birds, I was praying no one would notice. It was nearly impossible getting her through the door with her constant giggles that wouldn't discontinue. They were so cute I didn't want them to stop, but I had to make her shut the hell up. She went from scared shitless to hyper and cheery, her natural personality intensified. I on the other hand took only a bar of Xan and that wore off faster than her high. "Angel?" she whispered as I laid her down on her bed.

"Yes, Cutie?" Her colorful eyes with tints of grey mixed with green, looked directly into mine. Her laugh lines appeared as she sent me a smile without teeth. I found her cheeks so adorable when they'd puff up along with her grin. I'd squeeze them but then I'd look so gay and I'm not about that shit.

"I- I'm thirsty" she sighed. Her hand grabbed mine as she pulled me closer. "Kiss me?"

The dark haired brunette kept asking me to kiss her and I didn't want to take advantage of all the times she'd ask since her state of mind was not clear at all. Plus, being high did make your mouth feel super dry as if you've been walking miles without water so it was understandable as to why she kept trying to feel me against her. One of my hands patted her head as I bent down to kiss her cheek instead of lips. When I was first in her feminine ass room, I remember she had some juice boxes under her bed. Bending down to look for a comforting flavor, I went with strawberry lemonade. She kind of reminded me of it. Kiersten was pink like a string of fairytales, sour was something most people stayed away from yet had an addictive craving for, and though I wanted to stay away, she was just too fucking sweet.

I poked the straw through the hole and handed her the beverage. "Mmm" she hummed. "You s- still taste better" she sent me a goofy smile.

Trying to play it off cool, I shrugged. However, I could feel my cheeks blush a bright color of red. Sometimes she'd flirt without even noticing she was flirting and that made everything inside of me scream in desperation. My self control has been getting harder to contain, I'm actually so surprised with myself that I hadn't made any type of sexual move. Like, you don't understand, I wanted to have all of her so badly at times and then at others, it wasn't as bad. Especially if she wasn't near me or in my sight. "So, what do you wanna watch Kit-Kat?" I asked her while setting up the laptop on her bed. There wasn't a password on it and I figured it was because of her memory.

"Can w- we watch a play?" She said softly while biting her straw. That was a habit I noticed she did a lot. Something told me she found more pleasure in doing that rather than drinking the drink itself.

I laid myself next to her, my head propped up by her pillows as my back rested against the headboard. "I actually love plays, have you seen Rent?"

She shook her head telling me 'No', her hair falling loosely in front of her face. I felt her lean herself onto my shoulder as I began to search for the movie on Netflix. "Why do you s- spend time with me?" her voice broke the silence. It was such a random ass question, I had to think of a response.

You know when you look at a star and you're so mesmerized by it? People spend time learning about how they're formed or what exactly caused a huge ball of fire to become something aesthetic. Do you ever think to yourself, why is everyone so obsessed over something they never even had the chance to touch? Was it because the star lit up the darkness and gave everyone a sense of hope or belief in miracles? That feeling was exactly what I got from Kiersten. I wanted to touch her, but at the same time I didn't need to if I wanted to feel something. I could simply hear her talk or wonder what she was thinking and that would be enough for me. Like a star, I didn't want to get too close to her because she could burn me. Keeping things fucking short, "I'm not sure, Sweetheart." My eyes remained on my computer screen because I knew she was good at reading and I did not want her to know anything I was feeling. "I can't help but want to make sure you're okay all the time. I know we're not exactly the same kind of people, and I guess that's why it's interesting."

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