7| Aesthetics

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Skylar's drawing was something unexpected. Usually in this class, she would sit at any opened seat and text her life away on her phone. The slightly taller girl would sometimes do the assignments, but they never looked as if she took them seriously. This piece however, was flat out gorgeous. Though her style had many abstract lines that surrounded the main subject she chose to reflect beauty, I could tell it was an image of my eyes. Tracing my fingers along some of the indentations left from pressure, I felt my cheeks heat up to a bright color of rosey red.

Skylar Cadwell found me beautiful?

The princess didn't seem to be in the best mood at the moment. However, she wasn't Grumpy from Snow White today. By the way she looked, I'd say her feelings portrayed extreme anxiousness as she began tugging on the hem of her black t-shirt.

She stood at a table across from me, pretending to be interested in other people's drawings, yet I knew she wasn't. If she took a few more steps, she would be at the site where my drawing was placed. I wanted to know what Skylar had thought about my work so I quickly passed by my classmates to get to her. Watching as her brown eyes scanned the paper, her mouth slowly turned into a huge grin. Whenever she smiled like that, I would forget about the way other people perceived her.

Gasping, "Is this a picture of me holding a softball glove and catching a bunch of tiny girls being thrown at me while you sit there rolling your eyes?" she chuckled. I had overheard that she played softball from a few classmates. "I don't know whether I should feel insulted or flattered since it looks so fu...ing good!" Her hands brought the drawing to her chest as she began hugging it. "I'm going to hang this on my wall as soon as I get home."

Sending a shy smile back, especially since she held her cuss, I mouthed the words "I liked your drawing too".

I know the assignment was supposed to be somewhat more heart striking and deep but, I was allowed to pretty much do whatever I wanted in each of my classes since I had special care. Plus, I didn't really feel like getting into a sentimental mood; that's all I ever felt anymore. I wanted to portray something different, straight out of the blue, and humorous. As I thought of what could bring my inadequates to life, Skylar came to mind. She may be portrayed as someone who wasn't an ideal scholar, but to me, she was just a girl always seeking a great adventure.

If I were to pick something we had in common out of my observations these last few weeks, I would say we both had a thing for escaping. To me, life was too short to not live at it's full potential. I remember I was a traveler which was why I hadn't been at this school until this year. After the accident, that stopped. Forgetting most of my past was something I accepted; I knew my memory might never come back. There were some things that I did remember though. I remembered that I loved to talk to everyone about everything, I had a wild spirit beneath the classy behavior I imaged, so much love and curiosity was held within me, and...

That was it. That's all I could think of other than a few memories from when I was a child. Nowadays, my brain spun around so many different things it even had the power to make me dizzy or give me slight headaches. At certain times, my inner thoughts seemed normal, like today's. Other times, they were harder to comprehend which left me confused, filled with defects. My doctors explained it using a metaphor. Our brains are like computers and if damaged, you get things such as bugs or lags. Well, that damaged brain happened to be mine.

Wait? Where were we again?

Oh right, escaping. Almost forgot.

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