4| Athlete

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Holy fucking shit. I swear to God if these kids do not shut the fuck up, we're going to have beef... not the edible kind. Like who the actual fuck let's their kids go outside in the crack of sunrise to play fucking tag?! My neighbors of course. You know why? Because they're fucking idiots. You'd think they'd have the decency and respect for other people who live in this area but no.

It was Saturday. I usually would catch up on my sleep that I lost from school, but you know, fucking idiots. The first week of Orange County High had finished quite quickly, mainly from the fact that I always showed up late or took laps during the classes I dreaded. Being tardy was the new black, and boy did I run that shit real well. Nothing new was happening in the last 5 days. Shantel was still Shantel, the new girl was still super weird and looked like she had loads of problems going on in her life. Honestly, I kept paying attention to her because I just didn't get why she needed so much help with everything. My act of interest wasn't reciprocated though, after I helped her on her first day of school, she pretty much acted like I didn't exist.

Who gives a shit though, I question my existence everyday and I know I was created for good fuckery.

I rolled around my bed a little before coming to the conclusion that there was no way in hell I would catch up on sleep from these little demons running around. Taking a peek from my window, I just needed to make sure they weren't scratching up my beautiful black car... gave that bitch a nice lil wax yesterday to keep her all shiny. You see? I know how to treat the ladies from time to time.

"Sky!" I heard a very masculine and annoying voice yell. "There's a present at our front door from one of your hoes waiting for you!"

Ah, I love presents.

I hopped out of my bed and did a little stretch before making my way downstairs. We had a nice house, 2 floors with simple furniture and enough space for my family to have time to themselves. I wasn't privileged up to the point where I'd say my family and I are loaded. However, we were able to maintain a well kept financial balance. My parents had middle class jobs, both working 8 hours a day to provide for my other 2 siblings and I. There was Sebastian, my older brother of 2 years, and Savannah, my 3 year old sister. She's hella annoying to be honest, hates my guts and I hate hers too.

Making my way to the door, I opened it and found a small box covered in black wrapping paper, topped off with a silver bow. I gently pulled the strings to free the box of its captivity, then ripping away the paper. Opening the box, I found a black bracelet with a silver metal tab etched with my name on it in cursive. A note was attached, reading...

Haven't seen you in a while, let me know when you're free. xox - Lexie

Well maybe I haven't seen you because you're always attached to your boyfriend, the fuck? I ripped the note into several bits and pieces before putting the bracelet on. It was actually a cute piece of jewelry and I didn't want it to go to waste. I wasn't mad about the fact that Lexie had a boyfriend, I just didn't necessarily like how I was being used. Usually I'm the one who hits up whoever I want, definitely not the other way around.

"I take it you didn't like the gift" Sebastian smirked. "3 gifts in a week from 3 different girls eh?" He said disappointed.

"Oh fuck off, not everyone wants to play little Romeo" I sarcastically laughed. He was always a hopeless romantic, wanting to do everything properly and having all the girls want him. Besides the fact that he was a pretty good looking guy, he's an even sweeter person. It always bothered him that I hadn't taken after his purity.

The Bad Girl's Kit Kat (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now