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Terror blazed through me. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. The thundering beat of my heart, the way I shrieked watching the scene play out in front of me.  I was shaking with trepidation and everything she revealed earlier didn't matter.  It didn't matter at all as I witnessed my mother tumble to the ground, blood gushing out from her stomach.

I ran after her only for another bullet to be shot at us and ended up piercing my skin right on the side of my stomach. Blood erupted out of me, and soaked my shirt. My chest heaved up and down like brutal tidal waves in a tsunami. My hands reached for my mother who was unconscious on the sidewalk, blood pooling beside her, and muttering voices all around.

"CALL 9-1-1!!" I shrieked looking at the crowd. People nodded and I heard someone dialing the number. I searched for Novian only to find him being held back by a few men.

"Don't touch her, you could hurt her!" they screamed. Tears silently swelled in Novian's eyes as he watch both me and Momma. I sighed feeling my vision fail me.

"No, no, no," I cried muttering under my breath. I tried to crawl to my mother but my arms failed me, and my eyes began clutching closed. I felt my stomach to have the liquid, red substance stain my hand.
He laughed again and this time I couldn't help my swoon. My teeth nipped at my lips, holding them tight in captivity. This guy was too hot for me, and he was making me sweat.

"Will you dance with me?" he asked after a small silence. I nodded yes. He took my hands in his. The soft and warmth of his hands had my legs improperly working. Instead of walking, I think I was skipping to the dance floor.

The guy pulled me close to his chest, his handsome face close to mine. He moved to the rhythm allowing me to move with him. My arms were slung around his shoulders, and if it weren't for my heels, I could've never reached them. I smiled up at him, and he smiled at me.

"How old are you?" I asked over the music. He squinted unsure of my question. I motioned for him to get closer so I could tell it to his ear. The cologne that he had on attacked my nostrils when I was close in his proximity. It smelled like vanilla with a hint of masculine scent. I liked it. When he finally got my question, he bent down to whisper in my ear.
Hospitals smelled like death.

It was supposed to help people, but instead the aroma only made me want to bend over and hurl everything I ate.

Waking up to the blinding, lambent light also didn't help as it made me squint to take in everything. My room was quiet except for the monotone, "beep, beep, beep" of the heart monitor on my left. On my right was an IV fluid connected to my arm. I rubbed my aching head that felt like I'd pounded it against the wall multiple times.

Hoping to sit up was a mistake that I instantly learned from since pain hissed at the side of my stomach willing me back down to the brick like hospital bed. I palmed my stomach to feel the bandage securely wrapped around me. It took me a minute to understand everything again.


I wobbled off the bed, violently taking out the IV fluid connected to my arm, and limped into the hallway. My box braids bounced with each step matching with my heartbeat. Room numbers appeared, disappeared and reappeared again. They all looked the same to me.

I began to lose hope, not sure where my mother could be kept. The baby in me began whimpering and I could feel the tears growing and just about ready to flourish beneath my eyelashes. Then my brain decides that this would be the perfect to torture. I hallucinated his broad back to me, the birthmark on the side of his arm, and the blonde mop on his head.

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