Chapter 2: In The Halls Of YG

Start from the beginning

Wow. This was literally not breaking a sweat. I didn't even have to look at him the entire time and he even agreed for us to start today. Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

I tried not to act all happy about it as I yawned and slowly stood up from the chair.

"Okay, I'll go wake them up," I said.

I left the lounge at a slow and steady pace. When I turned around the corner, I quickly and quietly ran back to my room with so much excitement and through the door I had left open. I ran in and jumped on Zoey's bed to wake her up.

Zoey sat up with a start immediately I landed on her bed. She sucked her teeth in irritation when she noticed it was me and fell back into the bed covers.

"What's your problem, Sam?" she whined. "Can't you see it's too early in the morning?"

"Don't you want to go and see WINNER or what?" I asked as I looked down at her.

At first she didn't say a word until she scrambled to sit up, pushing the bed covers aside and looking at me with her eyes wide open.

"What did you say?" she asked.

"Get ready, we're going for practise," I said as I stood up from the bed.

"We're going to YG for practise? And meet WINNER there?" Zoey couldn't believe it. "Collins agreed?"

"Ya. So get your lazy butt out of bed and let's go. I'll go wake up the others."

"Sam, I love you," said Zoey with a smile. "You really had it all planned out, didn't you?"

"I did say I had a plan, right?" I shrugged my shoulders. "And Collins agreed without an argument."

"I can't wait for GD to see this. And he said your plan wouldn't work."

"Sometimes it's nice to prove people wrong." I smiled and headed out of the room.

I went to wake up Christine who couldn't understand why we were going for practise until I told her that we had to meet WINNER at YG.

"Wow, seriously?" Christine asked as she rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed. "Collins agreed to go back to the old routine?"

"I gave a reasonable explanation so, he agreed. Now, get your gym bag all packed up. You don't want to miss meeting Jinwoo now, do you?"

I noticed Christine blush out of no where and I decided not to taunt her about it. I quickly walked out of the room to go and wake my brothers up. And as much as they were excited that we were back to doing the old routine, they were happy that they would be meeting WINNER again.

When we all had our bags packed and we were all dressed ready to go for practise, we found ourselves in the lounge. Collins and Lee had stopped discussing and looked at us.

"Well, that was quick," said Collins.

"We don't need to do so much when going for practise, do we?" Zoey asked. "You told us that."

"She's right," said Lee as she looked at Collins.

"I hate when you use my words against me," said Collins. "Let's go before you start to say something I'm not looking forward to hearing."

"You know I can't do that, Collins," said Zoey. "I care too much."

Collins rolled his eyes and that almost made me laugh. "I'll keep that in mind," he said as he stood up from his chair. "Let's go."

"Isn't Lee coming with us?" Daniel asked.

"I would really love to, guys, but we've a lot of work to do," said Lee. "I'll make sure to pass by at lunchtime to check on you."

A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty Series, Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now