Sponsorship Task: My Entry

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The girl giggled. "Go Black Dragon! Yay!"

"Thank you, little one!"


"This year's Games is sure to be the best!" Evina, the fairy Gamemaker said with a cheerful expression that lit up her beautiful eyes.

Kyren grinned and pumped his fist into the air with the other Magi crowded around him. They stood in the middle of the street in front of the palace gates, while the three Gamemakers and Mentors stood on top of the palace walls, looking down on them.

Kyren held his daughter on his back while she clung to his neck tightly. He was wedged between Greo and Nall, or at least Nall's leg, considering the giant was over twenty-feet tall. Behind him, Acer, the animaloid cat from Black Dragon, stood beside members from other guilds.

"Let the Sponsorship Activities began!" Upon Pimret's - the third Gamemaker who was a halfling - announcement, the Magi all cheered and dispersed. It would be a mad race over the course of the next week, for every guild to prove themselves in various activities to try to show off and convince the Gamemakers to sponsor them.

"This way," Rovad said, drawing them toward a crowd of citizens. Elves, Dryads, dwarves halfings, fairies, pixies, nixies, humans, and even giants from the youngest and tiniest to the oldest and the largest, all cheered and followed the Magi as they dispersed among their respective guilds.

Kyren grinned as Thulok, the Gamemaker who was a dwarf, hobbled into the pub to his right. "Daddy will be back in a couple of hours," he said as he slung his daughter, Rya, off his back and handed her to Naya.

"Don't worry. We're going to go to the marketplace to get some sweets." Naya grinned and Rya bobbed up and down with excitement, even though she was in Naya's arms.

"Love you, Daddy!" Rya called with a wave as Naya turned and led her away.

Kyren grinned shaking his head. He was ready for the pub and hoped that he could get Thulok's attention while he was at it.

"Don't think I'm gonna let you take all the credit," Grao, Rovad's orc who was his second in command, growled with a wild grin.

Kyren rolled his eyes. "You know, Grao, I'm beginning to think you're stalking me."

"What was that?" Grao turned and stood directly in Kyren's face.

"Guys, we don't need to be fighting now," Bekka, the humanoid wolf said. "I heard Thulok is going to be hosting a game of Mirzakki. If we win, it will impress him."

Grao rumbled. "I'm a pro at this. Leave it to me."

Kyren wagged his eyebrows. "That sounds like a challenge, Grao."

The orc grinned. "Oh, it is."

Bekka sighed. "Well I might as well join in. Jeythr and Syra went with Rovad to the other activities in the marketplace, so the three of us should have a good chance against Thulok. He's an excellent strategist but I think one of us should be able to win."

Kyren smirked at Grao as the three of them headed into the pub.

As he was shoving open the door behind Bekka and Grao, he spotted two familiar faces.

One of them was a blonde woman with a fiery expression and the other was a slender male. Both of them were people Kyren never expected to see again. "Eridian, Jae, is that you?" he called out.

The man and woman whirled around. "Kyren?" Eridian asked.

Kyren grinned and stolled up to him, embracing his old friend. With Jae, he simply frowned. "Could have done without seeing you, though," he said with a smirk.

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