Focus On The Proposal

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September 22, 2015

Katy's POV:

"You know what dance move would look really good in the middle of that choreography?" "If you say pelvic thrusting, I will make you have a fourth surgery." Ariana's music video director says to me. Today she's finishing up filming the music video for a new song, Focus, that she's releasing at the end of next month. Hannah Lux Davis is the director. She also directed the music videos for Bang Bang and Love Me Harder, but she was one of Ariana's close friends beforehand. I met her a while back so every time I see her now, I have to annoy her like she's my older sister.

"Can you at least cause the surgery to be somewhere other than my abdomen this time?"  "I was actually thinking about causing one where they would have to sew your tongue back together so you can stop talking and let me direct in peace. You should listen to your girlfriend's song and focus on her." Hannah says. "Okay one, that's a terrible pun. And two, she's getting her makeup done right now. You really want me to go focus on her while they're doing that?" I ask smirking at Hannah while she rolls her eyes at me.

"Whatever. Just try to behave yourself when we start filming again. I thought I was gonna have to get a bucket yesterday from all the drooling you did." "Someone's just jelly because their girlfriend isn't enough to drool buckets over." "I don't even have a girlfriend, Katy!" "My point has been proven." I say leaning back in my chair while crossing my arms and smirking once again.

"Don't you have a music video premiere to go to or something?" Hannah says looking at the time on her phone. I check mine and realize I'm supposed to be at the studio in half an hour. "Shit! Klaiman is gonna toss me out of his window if I'm late again." I say shooting out of my chair and running to Ariana.

"Woah, what are you in such a hurry for?" Ariana asks chuckling at me. "I forgot that midnight tonight is the release of our music video for Save My Soul. I have to be at the studio in half an hour but I couldn't leave without telling you bye first. Am I allowed to give her a quick kiss?" I ask her makeup artist. "As long as you don't smear anything." "Bye Love." I say giving Ariana a quick kiss before racing outside to my car.

Even though we filmed Save My Soul back in July, we've been waiting until now to release it. The past two months have been pretty crazy since everyone learned the truth about me and Ariana. I thought that maybe it would die down after a few weeks, but it ended up hitting an all time high on Twitter when Brad opened his mouth once again at the very end of our tour.

Brad confessed at our last show that he had stabbed me and gotten the girls taken away from me for a year. He explained that I wasn't a so called "celebrity hopper" like people thought I was after seeing me with Ariana one month and Fifth Harmony the next. After that, Ariana and I did a live stream together explaining everything that happened to us. Everyone is basically caught up to speed now, and our album sales have hit a new record. It's amazing how when people find out certain songs are directed towards people, they suddenly become interested.

Ariana is still on tour until November too, but she's been coming home every chance she's gotten. We cleared everything up together that way. There's still a lot of hate to deal with obviously, but I'm able to look past that because I finally get to go out in public and show the world that Ariana is mine. It's the best feeling I've ever experienced in life.

"Have no fear, Katy Oliver is here!" I say walking into Klaiman's office. "Oh look, she's on time for once!" Rodney says. "Give the girl a break. She loses track of time with Ariana." Klaiman says. "You don't know I was with her!" "Okay, then where were you?" "....with Ariana. She was finishing up her last few scenes for Focus though." I explain. "Well all that matters now is you're here. Jennette is in the studio if you want to go ahead and join her. Rodney and I will be in there shortly." I make my way into our studio and end up getting attacked.

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