The Affects of Morpine and Heartbreak

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11:45 am

Katy's POV:
The day had gone from bad to absolutely awful real quick, and it's not even afternoon yet either. A little before seven is when I got that God awful text that made me question every single thing that's happened since June.

A: I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore Katy

And that was that. No explanation, no response, no anything. It took me about ten minutes after I read it before I gathered myself up enough to call her. It never rang, it just went straight to voicemail. My next move was to call Jennette. Her's went straight to voicemail as well though. By then I was utterly hurt and confused. Jennette of all people should've been the one to answer me.

K: What happened to Ariana and why isn't anyone answering their phones? I can't take this. I need to know what I've done

And here I am still without an answer from either of them. I can't tell you how many times I've walked around the hospital to try and clear my head. The doctors and nurses tried to get me to rest but I kept telling them I felt fine and that I was just walking to keep from getting a blood clot. That's what you're supposed to do after surgery, well that and cough so your lungs don't end up with pneumonia. People tried to check on me but there was no use in getting any information out of me. I had no one I could really talk to. The two people I trusted and loved most in the world, aside from Lindsey, Cameron and Shane, were ignoring me. The other three were in school so I couldn't bring myself to inform them on anything. Sure they had been texting me throughout the day to see how I felt, but all I could tell them was that I was somewhat sore but the medicine was taking care of me. I really just needed someone to talk to though. I mean I have Kepling so in a way that's kinda like having someone, but I don't speak bark so him responding to me wouldn't help me very much.

My parents weren't here because they couldn't seem to put their child before their work for once and my grandparents, well I'm honestly surprised they made it here yesterday. They're not in the best of shape and always need Shane or I to help them out with things. He's in school and I'm here so there's no way I expect them to show up again by themselves. Like I said I'm surprised they even did it yesterday. All I wanted, no wait scratch that, all I needed was just someone to talk to. Someone that was gonna tell me it would be alright. Suddenly Jack, aka Nurse Handsome walked in. And yes, I did finally figure out his real name.

"Good news!" He said clapping his hands with a large smile. His smile brought one to my face as well. It was just too contagious. "What's that?" I asked. "My shift is ending at twelve and you get to be discharged! I figured I'd walk with you and your friends out, I mean if you're okay with that?" He said looking hopeful. "Yeah about that. They left for reasons unknown so it's just me." He could tell something was wrong so he gave me a sympathetic smile. He handed me papers to sign myself out, then removed my IV and other set of wires or catheters. After that, he left the room and I got dressed. It's a good thing someone brought lose fitting and comfortable clothes for me to put on. Kepling and I walk out and see Jack standing there.

"So let me guess, your post-surgery plans for the rest of the day include sleeping and/or laying around?" He asked making me chuckle. "I don't think I could handle laying around honestly." I say crossing my arms and looking down as we walked. "Are you okay?" He asked looking at me with concerned eyes. "Yeah, just a little tired is all." We walk in silence until we reach the entrance of the hospital. I stop walking when I suddenly remember I have no ride home. "Something wrong?" Jack asked stopping a little ways in front of me and turning around. "Okay so this is gonna sound silly-" I say trying to make it less awkward and even keep myself from crying. The mix of abdominal pain, pain medicine, and Ariana deciding to leave me with no explanation has my emotions all over the place and I just can't seem to pull myself together. "But my rides are either home because they're unable to come, in another country, in school, or just left without an explanation."

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