Exchanging Facts...and kisses?

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June 2, 2014

Katy's POV:

Holy. Freaking. Heck. Ariana may live in an apartment, but it's so big! I've never seen an apartment this size before, heck I didn't even realize they made apartments this size! There's her bedroom that includes a walk in closet and also a bathroom that has a large shower and jet blast tub, then there's a guest room with another walk in closet, next to that is a normal sized bathroom, then she has a recording room with sound proof walls, and finally a very large and majestic living room that shares its space with the kitchen.

"And this is where the tour ends" she says pulling me back into the kitchen, which is where we first started. Did I mention she held my hand the entire time she showed me around. "This is so nice. I honestly forgot we are in an apartment" I say turning to her as she slightly chuckles. "Well I'm glad you like it. I just finished moving in finally" "You did a really good job. I like your taste in decorations" I say observing her glass figures and designs on the wall. Next to the designers are pictures of her and her family or friends. I love the sight of these but one particular picture catches my eye. It's of Ariana and a few other girls. They're in dresses and posing against a few trees in a really pretty park. "Is this of you at prom?" I ask continuing to look at the picture. Ariana looks absolutely stunning. "That's actually my eighth grade Spring formal" she tells me and I just smile. "What?" she says smiling while looking somewhat confused. "You're just really pretty and it makes me smile to look at you" I say finally looking away from the picture and meet her gaze. "I was just thinking the same thing" she says as a blush breaks across my face.

"Okay so it's..." Ariana trails as she checks her phone. "1:08. Have you had lunch yet?" "Yeah I actually ate on the plane. Have you?" "I did. I ate before you came cause I was hoping we could just talk for hours as soon as you got here and not have to worry about anything" "That sounds really nice" "Well follow me then Miss Oliver" she says walking to her couch. The way she sways her hips has me frozen for a few seconds before I finally follow behind her. She sits down on the couch and pats the spot next to her, telling me to do the same.

When I sit down, we begin talking and basically telling each other our interests in life. We actually had a lot in common. We both loved Harry Potter, we share Michael Jackson as one of our favorite artists, science is our favorite school subject, and finally we both curse like sailors. Honestly there were a few times I had to contain my laughter because I didn't expect her to curse so much, but for some reason it was a huge turn on.

"So tell me about your family" she says. That makes me go quiet. "Well, they work for Microsoft. They're both the head program managers. They somehow managed to be partners in this title, so they have the same schedule. When one is off, the other is off. But it's really rare that they're off so I hardly see or hear from them. They're always working on something that's gonna make the company even more successful than it was the year before. I'm really proud of them for it and it's pretty cool to say both your parents are the head program managers at Microsoft, it just kinda sucks that they never have time to call. But I mean I understand why so it doesn't really bother me that much anymore" I say looking at the floor now. I really hate talking about my parents. "Katy, I'm so sorry. I can't say I know how that feels because I personally don't, but what I do know is you're extremely strong and I admire you greatly for that. Your parents are really lucky to have you as a daughter and I know they've gotta miss you. Has it always been like this?"

"No. Use to when I was little, they just worked for some general technology studies building in Nashville. I stayed at my grandparents house while they worked. They worked long hours but they were off on the weekends so that was about the only time we got to spend with each other. My grandparents always kept me happy somehow though, and of course Shane was there everyday too because his parents worked as well, but they worked at a gym his dad owned, so he got picked up a few hours earlier than I would. I guess that's how my grandparents and I formed such a close bond. They hated seeing my parents let work take over. It didn't really bother me though cause they always made up for it on the weekends. Anyways, when I was about ten, Microsoft bought the technology center they worked at. Slowly they started working their way up in the business, and by the time I turned twelve, they were heading all over the world. At first it was just for a few days a week, but then those days turned into a few weeks, which then turned into a few months. I stayed alone in my house then. I mean we had a really secured neighborhood and my neighbors always checked up on me so nothing ever happened. It's just weird being in a big house by myself, so Shane stays with me a lot now."

She looks at me with genuine concern. "I'm sorry I probably talked way too much. I don't normally talk about this situation with my parents so when I do, it all just kinda spills out. But I mean I'm good cause I have the rest of my family and then I'm always busy doing stuff at school. I'm happy whether people believe me or not." I feel her grab my hand and interlock our fingers as she begins rubbing her thumb across mine. "I know you say you're happy but I can see in your eyes that it's killed something inside of you. But again you're so strong with this situation and it's incredible to hear you talk about this and see how mature you are over it. It just hurts me to know that you're secretly crushed" I look at her confused. How could she know that just by looking in my eyes?

"I learned that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I can tell your soul is broken, and I want to be the one that repairs it, if you'll let me?" "Only if I can be the one to fix yours Ariana."

(A/N so I know Ariana and Jai Brooks didn't break up until August of this year, but in this story, they breakup a month before this contest happens. Now back to the story)

"My heart?" She says looking confused again. "I know how hard that breakup you recently had was. What was the dude's name again? Gay Books or something?" I say which makes her laugh. "Jai Brooks actually" "I know, I just had to get a laugh out of you. I'm sorry if mentioning him is territory you prefer not to enter, I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you and I wanna fix your soul like you want to fix mine. That guy is an idiot for ever letting you go and he certainly did NOT deserve to date you. No one does really, some are just lower than others on the deserving scale" she lays her head on my shoulder. I can hear her sniffling and feel her slightly shaking. My heart breaks into a million pieces.

I wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on her shoulder now. "It's alright my Queen. One day you're gonna meet someone new, and they're gonna spend the rest of their life making you happy while making up for the fact that they don't deserve you. And even if they don't deserve you, they're still gonna treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Ariana, you're so amazing in a billion different ways. I'd name reasons but we would be here until the day I died, but even after that, the ways still wouldn't be fully listed. You've helped so many people out there in the world, including me. Jai is too blind to see that. He's not worth these tears you shed" I say turning her to face my now. I wipe the tears away with my thumbs.

"I don't understand" I say. "What?" She says looking up at me with her eyes glistening over. Fresh tears are about to make their way down her face. I can't have that. "I just don't understand how someone can be so perfect and beautiful, even while crying" she smiles while sniffling again. "That dimple of yours is gonna be the death of me on this trip" I whisper.

She wipes her fresh tears away this time and then looks up at me again. She cups my face with her hand and then brings me down to her lips. I'm completely caught off guard by this, so I freeze. She takes this as a sign of disinterest so she pulls back and looks at me again, except this time, the smile is replaced with a look of fear. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" she says as tears fall from her eyes again while she gets up from the couch.

All I hear is the sound her feet make running across the hallway into her bedroom and then closing the door. Hearing the door close finally makes me realize what just happened. Ariana Grande kissed me, and I didn't kiss her back because I was way to shocked to have my crush kissing me. But she thinks me not kissing her back is because I'm not interested. I take off to her room. I'm met with the sound of her sobbing. I have no idea how to fix this.

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