Respect My Authoritah!

941 82 9

August 6, 2013
7:20 pm

Katy's POV:
"How bad would it be to go back to school tomorrow?" I ask Jack. I was only safe missing yesterday and today because nothing happens the first day of school other than meeting your teachers. Plus we get the day after off so the teachers have time to organize everything. Tomorrow is the first full day back so I'm terrified to miss it. "I wouldn't advise it. I mean you honestly shouldn't even really be doing anything right now other than resting." Jack says. When he arrived at my house, I ran down the stairs, opened the front door and then drug him up to my room as fast as I could so no one would see him. Sure they will know something is up when they look outside and see his car, but until then I'm using my 'don't ask, don't tell policy'.

"We had sex today. Twice might I add, and you're telling me I need to rest?" He blushes immediately and looks down at the ground. That's right, I just called your ass out. "Jack I'm okay. Sure I'm a little sore but I know how to take care of myself after surgery. This isn't my first and at the rate I'm going, it won't be my last either. "I know that. It's just some kids honestly do not care if someone is hurt at school or not. I'm afraid they'll run into you in the hallways or no one will help you carry your stuff. You're not supposed to carry more than ten pounds."

"What if I got like a little hover round and sang that song? Everyone would move out of my way then." He laughs and shakes his head at my comment. "I don't know. What did your doctor say?" "Hell if I know. You're the one that discharged me after all." He looks like he's mentally kicking himself right now. "I'd be okay, Jack. Besides I would have Kepling and the teachers looking out for me. I'd honestly like to get back as soon as possible. I have two weeks of detention to kill after all." "That really sucks that you have to take detention. I mean you should've gotten a get out of jail pass since you had surgery and all." "Yeah and what sucks even more is apparently it wasn't even worth doing." Jack looks at me confused now. Oh yeah, I forgot I need to tell him what happened when I got home. I quickly explain everything to him. He seems to understand Jennette's part but he honestly looks like he could slaughter a village after hearing Ariana's. I don't know if I can blame him though or not.

"You know, most people say thank you and show their gratitude when people stick up for them like that. That bitch needs to learn some manners." "Hey, I may be hurt and upset with her right now but please don't call her a bitch. She'll always be my queen no matter what." Jack just looks at me. I can't describe his facial expression either. "What?" I ask. "And you're only seventeen how?" I laugh at his comment. "Why do you say that?" "Because you're really mature and handling this situation very well. I mean I'm twenty years old and over here calling her a bitch while wanting to throw down. You're almost too chill for this situation." "Well it's not like getting angrier than what I am right now will help matters." I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out of my pocket and see it's Jennette.

J: Aight, for starters I had no idea your house was THIS huge. The guest room being on the other side of the house makes me feel like I'm on the other side of the state. And second, there's a mysterious car in your driveway. Shall I call the cops?

K: Thank my parents 💁🏻. And no, there's no need to call the fuzz. Nurse Handsome is here keeping me company 🙄.

J: Oh is that why I heard a scream five minutes ago?

K: HAHAHAHA no 😒. Lindsey and Shane are playing my Xbox downstairs and they scream a lot while playing video games, more so Lindsey really but that's beside the point. Jack and I are in my room with Kepling. I'm trying to convince him I'll be okay going to school tomorrow.

J: Well if you go then I'm joining you. I gotta have a word with this Sarah chick 👊🏻.

K: She's not worth it so don't worry. How's it going on the other side of the house?

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