We Gotta Make This Forever

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Katy's POV:
So apparently Ariana and I are being shipped together. My Twitter has been blowing up for the past three hours. I finally had to send out a tweet to set things straight, and by straight I mean the fans are dying to just get at least a one worded answer. It's kinda funny actually.

@thekatyoliver96 lol love my girl Ari to death but we aren't together

@ArianaGrande: @thekatyoliver96 Kariana isn't together....yet 😉

I roll my eyes at Ariana's tweet. She will always find some way to win it seems.

@thekatyoliver96: @FrankieJGrande control your sister

@FrankieJGrande: @thekatyoliver96 as captain of the Kariana, I cannot

@jennettemccurdy: @FrankieJGrande @thekatyoliver96 excuse me, I called being the captain of this ship first

@thekatyoliver96: @jennettemccurdy @FrankieJGrande um no, I'm the captain of my own ship. You bitches are the poop deck swabbers

@jennettemccurdy: @thekatyoliver96 I thought you said Ariana had to swab the poop deck?

@thekatyoliver96: @jennettemccurdy nah I decided she's the bait incase Jaws or Free Willy attacks us

@ArianaGrande: @thekatyoliver96 what the hell, I'm half the ship and you're using me as BAIT?

@thekatyoliver96: @ArianaGrande babe I'm gonna need you to watch your fucking mouth dammit. We are on Twitter, don't use such shitty language

@ArianaGrande: @thekatyoliver96 I literally hate you

I laugh at Ariana's tweet. "Don't think I'm kidding either Oliver." She yells from her bedroom. "Not what you said last night Grande." I yell back. She walks into the living room and leans against the frame, crossing her arms and looking at me. "It's called desperation. Ever heard of it?" And there's the smirk. "Well you're desperate and I'm in love so I guess it's a win win." "Okay you can't say cute shit like that when I'm trying to win." She says laughing. "But I wuv you." I say giving her the puppy dog face. She huffs and rolls her eyes. "I love you too." After that she turns around and heads back to her bedroom. I hear her turn on the shower. She's gonna be a while so I might as well create hell on Twitter some more. I check my phone to see they Jennette has already beaten me to it.

@jennettemccurdy: everyone ask @thekatyoliver96 and @FrankieJGrande about orphans and baseball

@FrankieJGrande: everyone tell @jennettemccurdy that she's going to hell

@thekatyoliver96: everyone tell @jennettemccurdy and @FrankieJGrande what it means to properly thrust your pelvis. They know not

@FrankieJGrande: @thekatyoliver96 this is why you never had the chance to meet your dog

I'm about to reply to Frankie when suddenly I get a text from Lindsey.

L: what is the meaning of this Kariana ship and why was I not promoted as co-captain?

K: lol cause the ship hasn't even set sail yet. We seriously aren't together.

L: well Ariana said not yet in her tweet. Is she being serious or?

K: here's the thing. We have feelings for each other but I told her we needed to wait to make it official. Like I don't know if it's even a good idea to make it official actually

L: parents?

K: yeah...I mean that wouldn't be fair to her for us to date and then I have to turn around and break things off cause my parents don't approve or something. What if they blocked contact with her?

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