We Didn't Start The Fire

Start from the beginning

"Without you it's hard to surviiive!" Will's voice became louder and he probably emphasized the last part more than he had to. Up ahead, he could see another stop light and it had already turned yellow. Will didn't mind though. That meant he got to fully immerse himself in the song for a few seconds.

Just as the light turned red, the chorus came on and Will stopped his car. "Cause every time we touch I get this feeling! And every time we kiss I swear I can flyyy!" Will scrunched up his eyes and squeezed his fist over his chest as if he was singing for an audience and was putting all his effort into it. Damn, he really loved this song.

And that's when he heard another voice singing with him. Will stopped his singing to make sure he was hearing correctly and yep, someone else was singing along to the same song as him. Will swiveled his head left to see... the cute stranger again. But this time, he was singing too!

"Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last!" the cute guy sang. He didn't seem to notice that Will was staring at him. In fact, he seemed to be preoccupied looking ahead towards the road. But his nonchalance was betrayed by the smirk he was wearing while he moved his mouth along with the words.

"Need you by my side." The stranger turned to Will as he sang this part, which caught Will off guard. Was it possible that he looked even more breathtaking than before? His windows were down too, which caused the breeze to tousle the guy's hair. His eyes were practically dancing with laughter as he looked right at Will.

Will smiled back, though he was still a little embarrassed. But this time, it was diminished by the fact that he wasn't the only one singing! Will managed to collect himself just in time for the next part.

"Cause every time we touch, I feel the static!" Will shouted, amazingly in sync with the stranger's singing. Said stranger's eyes and smile widened just a smidge but he didn't miss a beat.

"And every time we kiss, I reach for the skyyy!" They sand together in harmony. Will had his arm outstretched towards the other driver while the other guy sang into his pretend microphone and used his other hand to point at Will.

"Can't you hear my heart beat so, I can't let you go!" Will was smiling so hard, it hurt his face. He was having a lot of fun with the cute guy. Something about singing unabashed with an unknown person felt freeing.

"Want you in my—"


Both Will and the cute guy jumped and swung their heads behind them to see another car behind Will. The driver of said car looked half irritated and half amused. Will glanced back at the street light and saw that it had turned green. Once again, Will felt heat creeping up his neck and he smiled apologetically at the driver behind him.

Will turned back around in his seat and was about to drive away hastily when he suddenly remembered that he was just singing a duet with the cute guy besides him. Will looked to his left and caught a glimpse of a small smile and a blush on the stranger's face before he drove away.

Will felt a little bit disappointed but there wasn't time to wallow in it because he could feel the stare from the driver behind him. So Will gave a small sigh and drove off.

• • •

Will pulled up on Jason's street and quickly parked in the nearest spot he could find. No doubt that a little later, all the spots would be taken. Will got out of car and took a deep breath of cool, fresh air. It was getting dark already but it was the perfect time to sit around lazily and talk with some old friends.

Will strolled down the street to Jason's house, his mind thinking about his singing adventures with the mysterious cute guy. Will still felt a bit of adrenaline from singing with the stranger but he was slowly coming off it. But man, did it feel good to just let yourself go and have fun without thinking about anything else.

He stopped short once he snapped back into reality and realized that he was in front of Jason's house already and that he was about to walk right past it.

Will went up the front steps and rang the doorbell. He prepared a dazzling smile and was expecting Jason to greet the door and probably envelope him in a gigantic hug. However, what he didn't expect was to see another person answer the door. He had his back half turned to Will, as he was shouting something to someone inside the house. Will caught the tail end of what the person was saying: "—there's someone at the door!"

Will did a quick once-over of this person. He must be a good friend of Jason's that Will had never met. Hmm, a bit shorter than Will, dark hair, pale skin, a lean frame. Will had a little tingling feeling that he recognized this person.

When the guy turned around with a smile, Will's breath caught in his throat. He was staring straight into the eyes of the cute stranger from before. The warm, yellow light inside the house seemed to cast a hazy glow around the guy and Will's heart involuntarily sped up.

"Hi..." the guy started but then trailed off. His eyes widened just like Will's probably did too.

"It's— it's you!" Will exclaimed eloquently.

By now, both men had blushes on their cheeks, the fact that they were both meeting their impromptu duet partner dawning on them.

The other guy seemed to collect himself before Will because he introduced himself first.

"My name's Nico," he said with a shy, but teasing smile. His brown eyes were bright with mirth. "And you have quite the singing voice."

Will rubbed the back of his neck, just a tad nervous. "Well, I could say the same for you. I'm Will, by the way."

Nico laughed a little. "Well, I hope my singing was as good as yours."

At that, Will laughed too. "Don't worry. I think we both did a great job."

"C'mon," Nico said as he grabbed Will's wrist. "Let's go tell Jason you're here. You must be a good friend of his right?"

Will nodded and smiled once more. He couldn't wait to spend more time with Nico.

• • •

A/n: whaddup guys! Sorry for the lack of a new chapter last week. I kinda completely forgot on Saturday and then I was out the whole day on Sunday. But I've been working on this chapter a little each day this past week so ta-daaa, here it is!

Also today is the first day of my spring break so there might be more one shots this next week, who knows?

-Victoria :)

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